jellybean_slashTitle: Cold
Rating: G
Prompt: #13, "Winter"
Date: 10/28/06
Summary: Severus has never been so cold.
Pairing: HP/SS
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Implied character death.
Snow crunches beneath heavy boots, leaving deep footprints all along the winding path.
Severus had always despised the winter. The weather was abysmal, chilling him to his very bones, and the festivity of the season made his lip curl.
Harry, however, liked the winter, the snow and the cold. His face was never without a smile, nose and cheeks bright red from cold. Always Severus' contrast.
A gloved hand reaches forward, gently brushes a week's worth of snow from a simple stone, and specks of white fall over the engraved words, his name. Still so messy, even now.
And this winter has no end.