Title: War Scars Rating: PG Prompt: #03 "Angst" Date: 07/15/06 Summary: The scars are there even if you can't remember where they came from. Pairing(s): None Warning: None
Appreciate? Was there something positive about Tom in my fic? O.O Or do you mean appreciate him as a character in general? I think HBP did that for me, but I loved him already before that.
Appreciate him as a character in general :) I used to think there was nothing fascinating in him, but given HBP and all the amazing fics I've read recently about him, he starts to be really intriguing and worth thinking of :D
Perversion is what H/D fandom likes. *also likes* I could write some graphic breath play next. War Scars is also my favourite, because I don't know why, but I really like writing gen.
War Scars is amazing. I love your imagery; it creates this whole image in my mind of a tired Harry, acquiescing in his fate, who watches his life fly by as if he's merely a spectator, like he sees the surroundings change as the train goes on. I love it.
Shudder was disturbing yet intriguing (...what is it with me and disturbing fics lately? -_-; ). I liked it a lot.
And Exposure... Tom Riddle is one of my fav characters; he intrigues me. I really liked the way you wrote him. :)
Comments 9
And Shudder... it was disturbing, but in a good way :D
And Exposure... how can I have been in this fandom so long, but be starting to appreciate Tom Riddle only now?
War Scars was really, really, really good. *hugs* Welcome back, btw!
Thank you.
War Scars is amazing. I love your imagery; it creates this whole image in my mind of a tired Harry, acquiescing in his fate, who watches his life fly by as if he's merely a spectator, like he sees the surroundings change as the train goes on. I love it.
Shudder was disturbing yet intriguing (...what is it with me and disturbing fics lately? -_-; ). I liked it a lot.
And Exposure... Tom Riddle is one of my fav characters; he intrigues me. I really liked the way you wrote him. :)
Very good, very dark stories. Beautiful in their own way, but definitely disturbing. ♥
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