Title: Sympathy
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Zacharias Smith and Cho Chang
Prompt: 080 Why?
Word Count: 1610
Rating: PG
Summary: Why would you defend a sneak?
Author’s Notes: Gen fic, but there’s some underlying Zacharias/Cho
Sympathy --
Title: Never the Romantic
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Zacharias Smith and Sally-Anne Perks
Prompt: 038 Touch
Word Count: 375
Rating: PG
Summary: Zacharias Smith’s first kiss was shared with Sally-Anne Perks, and the whole experience could easily be ranked in the top three most awkward moments of his life.
Never the Romantic
Title: It’s Not That Simple
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Zacharias Smith and Cho Chang
Prompt: 071 Broken
Word Count: 656
Rating: PG
Summary: Since when did losing the Quidditch Cup become so significant?
It's Not That Simple