Friending Meme!

Jul 10, 2012 19:01

Reminder: Submissions for the hp_fanart_fest are due in 5 days! If you need an extension now is the time to ask for one. We'll be happy to work with you but communication is so important! If we don't hear from you before July 15, then we'll be looking for your submission on that date! We have received many fabulous entries for the fest so far and we can't wait to see the rest! Posting starts on July 31 (Harry's Birthday)! Thank you so much to everyone who has joined or supported the community and to the lovely artists who are working hard to make this fest such a success! ♥

Now, for some fun while we wait for the fest to start, we thought we'd host a friending meme! So here we go! Who doesn't love new friends?! Hopefully everyone can find what they are looking for here. Just fill out the form with as much (or as little) information as you'd like, post it in a comment below and feel free to spread the word! :)

For artists and art lovers both!
Spread the word!:">friending" />
For artists and art lovers both!

♥♥♥ The friending form! ♥♥♥:

Other site usernames? (AO3, dA, Tumblr,, etc)
Which site do you call home/post at most often?
Are you over 18?
What's in your journal?
What rating is your journal?
Friending policy?

What is your Hogwarts house?
What would your patronus/animagus/familiar be?
What is your favourite Hogwarts class?

Favourite HP characters?
Favourite pairings?
Favorite kinks/themes/genres?
Favourite communities/fests?
In Search Of…? (Het? Slash? Femmeslash? Threesomes? Modern AU? Canon?)
Share a fic and/or art recc?

What do you do in fandom? (artist/writer/beta/graphics maker/mod/lurker/etc)
How long have you been in fandom?
Other fandoms you play in?
Other interests you want us to know about? (Music? TV shows? Politics? Family? Pets? School? Hobbies?)
Anything else you'd like to share?

(For year-round friending, try hp_add_me)

mod: reminder, mod post, mod: friending meme

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