potions, prodigies, and peeves

Jan 25, 2015 12:01

►recipient: everyone
►title: Potions, Prodigies, and Peeves
►pairings: Junmyeon/Luhan, bff!Sehun/Xiumin, slight Junmyeon/Jongdae
►rating: PG-13
►word count: 13.4k
►warnings: Lots of fluffy suhan, general antics, sketchy potion making
►summary: Junmyeon and Luhan think that it's about time that they told their friends about their relationship. Unfortunately, Sehun tends to get a bit carried away with his assumptions.
►author's notes: Recipient, thank you so much for your awesome prompts and pairings! This was a really fun fic to write and I hope you enjoy~

I just wanted to make some quick notes about this fic. The way they brew potions may not adhere entirely to the way Ms. Rowling described it in her books; the way it is is taken from a mish mash of ideas, because really potion-brewing is a rather vague art that wasn't described in great detail in the books. Also, I love suchen and jongdae!! But unfortunately, he really got the short end of the stick in this fic. Also, I apologize for the rushed ending, but I thought that I had better stop myself so that I could turn in my fic on time.
I want to thank my lovely tlist for listening to me whine and provide me with inspiration for my fic. Mods, thank you so much for granting me an extension!! And lovely recipient, I loved your prompts and pairing choices so much! This is a mishmash of two of your prompts...I hope you enjoy ^^

This fic is over 10,000 words and is posted on our Dreamwidth.

char:luhan, pair:suho/luhan, rating:pg-13, fic:round 1, char:suho

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