Anti-Harry/Cho: I blame Cho

Nov 04, 2003 08:36

For those who don't know what the SS Charry is, it's my dub name for the Harry/Cho ship. Anyway, we start right at the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch match in Prisoner of Azkaban (the third book), where, as I mentioned about Quidditch's importance in the third movie in a post I made before, Harry falls in love with Cho. Harry felt nervous (probably from having to make sure his team won the match to keep it in the running so that Oliver Wood can get the Quidditch Cup) when he saw Cho, who smiled back at Harry. Then during the match, Cho was tailing Harry and Wood advised him to knock her off her broom. Harry didn't follow Wood's advice, though, and then Cho pointed to where the fake dementors were. Harry, of course, knocked them down with the Patronus charm and as a result got the idiots who were the fake dementors busted badly. And then there's only one more mention of Cho in PoA, where she shouts "Good luck, Harry!"

We move onto Goblet of Fire, which is the fourth book. Cho's first few appearances are rather short. Then we notice that she isn't pushing Harry around during the brutal November he had, not even behind his back. Next we hear of her, Harry tries to ask her to the Yule Ball, and eventually suceeds in asking, but too late, for she's already going there with none other than Cedric Diggory, which makes Harry rather jealous of Cedric and end up asking Parvati Patil to the ball as well. This also makes Cho fall in love with Cedric........which is going to rough up the SS Charry later on. And in the second task, Cho is the hostage that Cedric is supposed to rescue. And that's pretty much the end of her role in this book. Don't get me started on Cedric Diggory's demise.

And we enter Book 5, AKA Order of the Phoenix. Before you get me started on Harry/Tonks, yes, I AM a supporter of that (as if you wouldn't know unless you're an idiot; after all, you would have read my LJ psots about Harry/Tonks and they contained major OotP spoilers too), but no, I AM NOT BLINDED TO BELIEVE THAT IT HINDERED HARRY/CHO! I know perfectly well that Tonks did nothing to damage the Harry/Cho relationship. But that's not what we're supposed to be talking about. We're supposed to talk about Harry/Cho and leave it at that. Let's discuss the Harry/Cho events:

-Cho meets Harry on the train. Harry was sprayed by the stinksap from the plant that Neville had. Both had a rather short conversation.
-Cho meets Harry on their first day, shortly after Harry's History of Magic class. Harry asks if she had a good summer, and Cho was about to start about Cedric when Ron decided to be an idiot about the Tornados team. Cho left quickly and Hermione told Ron off.
-On the Saturday morning following the first week of school Harry has, Harry sends a letter to Sirius about needing discussion about Scumbitch. Soon afterwards, Cho appears to send a letter to her mother for her birthday, driving the letter to Sirius out of Harry's mind in the process. Both fall into discussion about Quidditch, then starts talking about Scumbitch's cruelty, when Filch enters accusing Harry of ordering Dungbombs. Cho lies about seeing Harry sending it and Filch leaves quickly. Harry is grateful and tells Cho that he wasn't ordering Dungbombs, then both leave the Owlery together and part at a corridor leading to the West Wing. The result we know is Harry thinking of Cho's comment on him standing up to Scumbitch.
-Next up is the Hog's Head meeting. Hermione invited 25 people, including Cho and none other than the bitch who turned traitor: Marietta. We learn that Marietta would not be there if she could get what she wanted while Cho smiles at Harry. Not too much else happens between Harry and Cho.
-And of course, we have the very first meeting in the Room of Requirement. When Hermione suggests that a leader be elected, Cho nominates Harry for leader, and everybody quickly agrees with it. The name is also suggested by Cho to be "Defense Association" which happens to abbreviate to D.A. Ginny agrees on the abbreviation but wants it to stand for "Dumbledore's Army" since that's the Ministry's worst fear. Then the students practice Expelliarmus (the Disarming Charm), since disarming is bound to be useful against Voldemort anyway. At one point, Harry decided to check on Cho and Marietta and made Cho too nervous to sucessfully cast the Disarming Charm. Harry lied about Cho doing good but Cho didn't take it as a compliment so Harry said the truth about her attempts. Seconds afterward, Harry and Cho talk about her and Marietta's parents. And there's little more to this meeting.
-After that is the last DA meeting before the Christmas holidays. After everybody else leaves, Cho corners Harry and talks about Cedric. Eventually, they kiss under the mistletoe. The conversation he has with Ron and Hermione later that night obviously makes him believe a bit as I do that girls are enigmas. But what Harry finds funny is that within 18 hours after Harry and Cho's kiss, Harry has the dream of a certain person who is really fond of Muggles being attacked, then he finds himself going to Sirius's house, escaping Scumbitch in the process, visiting said person who is fond of Muggles while he's at St. Mungo's, and after eavesdropping on him believing himself to be the weapon Voldemort wants.
-When the students get back from Christmas, Harry asks Cho out for a date in Hogsmeade. And as I'm about to explain, the date starts the disaster for the relationship.
-Harry and Cho walk through Hogsmeade, and Harry messes up by telling Cho that he's meeting Hermione at the Three Broomsticks. Well, he DID first ask if Cho wanted to come with him there, but I don't think it was too smart to mention meeting with Hermione, at least not until having to. Not a good move, Harry. The next mistake Harry made? Not telling Cho immediately that he'd rather avoid talking about Cedric if he didn't need to. Well, everybody makes mistakes as unfortunate as the last one was; Dumbledore certainly did. (IE keeping Sirius trapped in his house when Sirius would rather fight than stay safe. I suppose, however Sirius's survival would have been allowing the Order to keep control of Sirius's house without having to fight against the Malfoys. Of course, Sirius still died, but at least Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy both lost the power to indirectly make sure that they could easily flush the OotP out of Sirius's house the very same night; the Ministry was forced to acknowledge that Voldemort was back and Malfoy was a traitor working for Voldemort.) Of course, Cho HAS to make a fucking big deal out of BOTH mistakes. She even got other people's attention with her whining and made Harry look like an idiot because of it. (Note that I'm saying Harry doesn't deserve to look like an idiot.) Cho quickly ran out, leaving Harry unable to understand what the HFIL was going on.
-Next time Cho meets with Harry, however, she shows her happiness over the Quibbler article that put Harry's PoV in public. This made Harry happier than anything else that resulted from his article, including the next thing that happened: Seamus Finnigan stepping out of Transfiguration class to apologize to Harry.
-And then the last DA meeting. Not much except for Cho commenting on her Patronus being pretty and Harry responding that the Patronus charm is supposed to protect the user from Dementors, not be pretty. Of course, we all know about Marietta having betrayed the DA, Dumbledore getting run out of Hogwarts, blah blah blah.
-The supposed finisher to the ship is their meeting before Harry's Occlumency lesson two nights after Dumbledore's control of the school fell. In seconds, Cho is defending Marietta. This time, Harry is NOT making any major mistakes. Hey! If I were a Ravenclaw under the DA, I wouldn't even care how close I was to Marietta; if they're going to betray me AND an association designed for defending others from a really big threat, there is no way in HFIL that I am going to defend them. When Harry points out that Ron doesn't have "sneak" written across his face when his father works at the Ministry too, Cho changes the subject to Hermione's jinx on the list. This slams down the relationship for good. After Cho leaves, Harry finds himself in a last attempt for an Occlumency lesson and busts into Snape's memory while Snape is away because of Warrington, only to find himself feeling sorry for what Jackass James did to Snape. When Ron and Hermione later ask why Harry isn't happy, Harry uses this row with Cho as an excuse for his unhappiness, but when Ginny wants to know if Harry wants to talk to Cho, he instead tells her that he wants to talk to Sirius instead.
-Finally, when they again meet on the train, it's only breif, and when Cho leaves, it turns out that she's dating somebody else (Michael Corner), which Harry doesn't find hurting, much to his surprise. (Then again, Sirius's death really, really got to Harry, but we must bear in mind that Sirius was Harry's godfather.) So I think the relationship is dead. I hope it is anyway, but we shall see when book 6 comes.

Now I'm not going to say that Harry did everything in this relationship correctly, since he didn't. However, I blame Cho a LOT more than Harry for the relationship's destruction. Why? Two words: Marietta Edgecomb. What's my logic behind this? Marietta betrayed the DA to Scumbitch a MONTH after the Quibbler article came out. Why was this thoroughly wrong? Let's see: when the Quibbler article came out, despite Scumbitch's failed attempts to make sure it didn't happen, about everybody in Hogwarts already started to believe that Voldemort was back, including the dumbass idiots who were in the not-yet-officially-founded Inquisitorial Squad (but they couldn't admit they read the article of course). And the DA needed to remain a secret from Scumbitch because Hogwarts and the wizarding world are going to need a strong defense vs. Voldemort, but if the DA was busted without first serving its purpose, then they wouldn't be able to help fortify the defense of either. And bear in mind that, as any Ravenclaw should have realized, a chain is as strong as its weakest link, so by that logic, the DA was as secure from Scumbitch as the person least likely to betray it. Who brought Marietta along to the first Hog's Head meeting? Who else? Cho! And Cho has the indecency to NOT make sure Marietta was brought along so that Marietta couldn't report the DA to Scumbitch behind their backs and have it busted.

What could have been the results? I'll tell you what they could have been! DISASTEROUS! Harry got caught and found himself facing expulsion, which would have prevented him from having further Occlumency lessons to block Voldemort from his mind. I'm sure you realize that not learning Occlumency well enough helped cause Sirius to die. Dumbledore, who knew perfectly well that Harry's Occlumency lessons needed to be dealt with, took the fall (and bear in mind that Ginny already allowed him to without even realizing it at all by having the DA stand for "Dumbledore's Army" rather than "Potter's Army", along with Kingsley for putting a memory charm on Marietta when nobody looked), giving Fudge an excuse to put him in Azkaban instead of expelling Harry. If Dumbledore weren't powerful enough to overcome Fudge, Scumbitch, and the 2 Aurors, he'd have been put in Azkaban or killed and we all know what would have happened from there: Voldemort would be quick to subjugate the wizarding world with no Albus Percival Wulfuric Brian Dumbledore to help defend it and no Harry Potter strong enough to last more than minutes against the Death Eaters on his own, not to mention spies like Lucius Malfoy and Walden Macnair within the Ministry. Thankfully, Dumbledore was powerful enough to let that happen, but that's what could have happened if he wasn't. Nevertheless, Dumbledore DID leave Hogwarts (apparently) leaving Scumbitch to take control of it to make an Inquisitorial Squad that can abuse their power as much as they want. Of course, this caused a lot of trouble, including F&G dropping out, causing 2 nifflers to be put in Scumbitch's office, which in effect got Hagrid chased out of Hogwarts in a cowardly way and McGonagall knocked down by 4 stunners to the chest (and (not-so-)surprisingly surviving), which ultimately led to Harry and several DA members including Ron and Hermione getting cornered by the cowards known as Scumbitch and her Inquisitorial Squad all because Harry tried to make sure Sirius hadn't gone to the DoM. (Mind you, just the first bit of cowardice in that last scene pisses me off so much that I eternally *HATE* Scumbitch because of it.) And let's not forget that Scumbitch tried to get Harry to drink Veritaserum the day after Dumbledore left, because she was trying to make sure both Dumbledore and Sirius were found, which, if she had suceeded (but didn't thanks to Severus Snape having given her fake Veritaserum instead of real Veritaserum), may have allowed the Ministry of Morons to strike 12 Grimmauld Place hard and fast, taking down the Order, which would have resulted in, of course, Voldemort's swift subjugation of the wizarding world. Of course, this all ultimately proves how much like Wormtail (who betrayed Lily and James and got them killed along with 12 Muggles, and also ruined several other lives including Sirius's and, to a lesser extent, Harry's) she is.

But wait! There's more to my rant against Cho. If you ask me, she's been WANTING to break up with Harry. Why do I say this? First off, she defends the bitch who backstabbed her AND the DA. Geez! Both Cho and Marietta are supposed to belong in Ravenclaw, so Marietta should have realized that the DA was for defending others vs. Voldemort who is NOT supposed to be dead to her because he isn't dead to begin with, and Cho should have realized how foolish it was to defend Marietta. If neither is the case, then how come either is in Ravenclaw? Clearly both disgrace Ravenclaw in one way or another. Now my next piece evidence to Cho wanting to break up with Harry? Well, Harry points out that Ron doesn't have "sneak" written across HIS face when his father works at the Ministry. It's not like Ron goes around backstabbing people he hangs around with anyway. But Cho doens't bother to counter this point; instead, she gets the discussion moved over to Hermione's jinxing the DA name list. Cho should have just accepted that Marietta brought having "sneak" written on her face upon herself. But did she? NO! And I almost forgot that somebody pointed out that Hermione, Harry, and Ron weren't trusting the members. Well, they weren't about to show their lack of trust to anybody else. Why should they show trust problems to others when they should be following the warning from Dumbledore and the Sorting Hat about standing together and being united with others? Hermione warning people about the list being jinxed might have given Marietta better warning, but it would have shown Hermione's lack of trust in others at the same time too, which would have been worse. Marietta, who should have realized that Hermione not being in Ravenclaw should have been surprising, had fair enough warning anyway.

Final analysis: Cho is NOT for Harry. Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecomb, and Dolores Jane Umbridge have something in common: THEY'RE ALL BITCHES WHO NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SIRIUS'S DEATH! (Harry, at least, has the decency to do so, along with Dumbledore.)

characters:cho chang, characters:potter family:harry, pairings:harry/cho

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