I am suddenly struck by a question out of nowhere: Why was Ron Weasley picked as a Prefect? As far as I am concerned, even Neville has a better sense of right and wrong than Ron. So why Ron?
Based on my impression of how Albus Dumbledore worked, I am tempted to say this is another case of plain Dumbledore Favoritism. But then, I could be wrong. For one thing, we know next to nothing of the working of the Prefect system at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For another, for all we know, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan could be totally unsuitable for prefectship - less diligent than Ron, care even less if someone broke a rule or not, et cetera, et cetera. So, is there any essay that discusses how the prefect system works at Hogwarts? And the reason behind Ron's being chosen as a Prefect? Any suggestions?
repost, improved version, word count 151, yay!
And to make it even longer ...