Anonymous Masterlist & Statistics

Dec 26, 2011 18:04

Without further ado, we give you the complete Anonymous Masterlist of this year's fest, along with some interesting statistics!


  • We had a total of 228 prompts, of which 54 were claimed.
  • We ended up posting 44 submissions; 42 fics and 2 artworks.
  • 7 people dropped out, 3 people disappeared on us and 7 people ended up claiming and completing a second prompt.
  • There were 24 slash submissions, 10 gen, 8 het and 2 femmeslash submissions.
  • The most popular ratings were NC-17 and PG-13, which were each used 14 times.
  • The most popular pairing was undoubtedly Harry/Draco with 11 submissions.
  • The most popular - or emo - male character was Draco (20 sub.), closely followed by Harry (19 sub.). The most popular, emo female character was Hermione (4 fics).
  • The shortest fic was 281 words long; the longest one around 60,000 words!
  • Our complete word count this year was an amazing 178,451! :D


  1. Anonymous wrote I wish you love [Harry/Draco - PG-13]
  2. Anonymous wrote Shake, Shiver, Moan [Severus/Hermione - R]
  3. Anonymous wrote these are the hells we crave [Regulus/Sirius - NC-17]
  4. Anonymous wrote Snow [Draco - R]
  5. Anonymous wrote Hold Me and Watch the Apocalypse [Harry/Draco - PG]
  6. Anonymous wrote Not Exactly Parents [Teddy - G]
  7. Anonymous wrote Room on the Third Floor [Ron/Pansy - NC-17]
  8. Anonymous wrote World of Pretend [Harry/Draco - NC-17]
  9. Anonymous wrote Through the Fire [Draco - PG]
  10. Anonymous wrote Festival Night [Draco/Albus - NC-17]
  11. Anonymous wrote another apple to cut into pieces [Draco/Asteria, Daphne, Narcissa - PG-13]
  12. Anonymous wrote Broken Promises, Shattered Dreams [Harry/Draco, Harry/Severus - NC-17]
  13. Anonymous wrote Let Me Fall [Lorcan/Lysander - R]
  14. Anonymous wrote No One Special [Millicent, Draco - PG-13]
  15. Anonymous wrote Safe Within the Dark [James/Albus - R]
  16. Anonymous wrote Come Get Me If Your Heart Is A Bad Thing [Sirius, Regulus - PG]
  17. Anonymous wrote Failed Orders [Draco/Severus - G]
  18. Anonymous wrote With a Love Like Yours, Life Isn't So Bleak Anymore [Harry/Draco - NC-17]
  19. Anonymous wrote Feed Me With Your Kiss [Draco/Barty Jr. - PG-13]
  20. Anonymous wrote Who to Choose [Harry/Scorpius - PG-13]
  21. Anonymous wrote breeding lilacs out of the dead land [Sirius/Regulus - NC-17]
  22. Anonymous wrote Playing the Game [Albus/Scorpius, Harry/Scorpius - NC-17]
  23. Anonymous wrote Another Love I Would Abuse [Harry/Draco - R]
  24. Anonymous wrote I Never Wanted Anything From You, Except Everything You Had [Harry, Lily Luna - PG]
  25. Anonymous wrote To Live Doesn't Mean You're Alive [Harry/Narcissa - PG-13]
  26. Anonymous wrote Nightmare [Harry/Draco - PG-13]
  27. Anonymous drew If I Could Turn Back Time [Severus/Sirius - PG-13]
  28. Anonymous wrote Shower Revelation [Harry/Charlie - R]
  29. Anonymous wrote It's More Than History [Harry, Lily - PG-13]
  30. Anonymous wrote Dirty Little Secret [Harry/Draco - NC-17]
  31. Anonymous wrote Cutting into the pain [Scorpius/Hugo - R]
  32. Anonymous wrote You Set Fire To The Rain [Harry/Draco - R]
  33. Anonymous wrote Tears [Lucius/Narcissa - PG-13]
  34. Anonymous wrote A Tragedy In One Act [Septima/Charity - PG-13]
  35. Anonymous wrote Save Me From Myself [Harry/Draco - NC-17]
  36. Anonymous wrote Tiny People With Tiny Lives [Draco/Rose - PG-13]
  37. Anonymous wrote A Change, But Not For The Better [Harry/Hermione - NC-17]
  38. Anonymous wrote The World's A Stage [Draco/Pansy, Draco/Astoria - PG]
  39. Anonymous wrote Casualties [Albus/Scorpius - PG]
  40. Anonymous wrote Wind You Up [Pansy/Hermione - NC-17]
  41. Anonymous drew Take You Down [Harry/Draco - NC-17]
  42. Anonymous wrote Remembering to Forget [Harry, Hermione - PG]
  43. Anonymous wrote Snow Leopard [Severus/Narcissa - PG-13]
  44. Anonymous wrote Blue [Tonks, Remus, Teddy - PG-13]

Make sure to use the next week to check out a few of the fics you may not have read yet and leave the authors some feedback!

The reveals will go up on December 31st!

!statistics, !winter2011, !round5, !anonymous masterlist

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