2011 Christmas Mini Prompt Fest - Reminder & Promo Banner!

Oct 28, 2011 18:43

We have 21 claimed prompts so far, which is pretty amazing! Remember that you don't have to claim a prompt right away, if you'd like to participate. You can go have a look at the prompt list and claim your prompt anytime between now and November 25th.

If you know some people who might be interested in claiming one as well, feel free to use the following code to promote the fest on your flists and communities! :)

Rules & Info | Prompt List | Prompt Claiming | hp_emofest

http://hp-emofest.livejournal.com/51023.html">Rules & Info | http://hp-emofest.livejournal.com/52085.html">Prompt List | http://hp-emofest.livejournal.com/52523.html">Prompt Claiming |

Happy (or emo? ;)) writing!!


!reminder, !winter2011, !banners

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