Anonymous Masterlist

Mar 11, 2011 20:46

The last gift has just been posted, which means the fourth round of hp_emofest has come to an end :)


  • We had a total of 19 sign-ups and ended up posting 20 fics.
  • We had 3 drop-outs and 2 people who disappeared without a word, needed 3 pinch-hitters and received 1 additional fic for the community.
  • There were 11 het fics, 8 slash fics and 1 femmeslash fic.
  • This time, Draco wasn't the most emo character the way he was in our past rounds - Harry was featured in 7 fics while Draco was only in the main pairing in 5.
  • Surprisingly, each pairing was only written once with the exception of Draco/Astoria, which was featured in two fics. No Harry/Draco this time, which was the most popular and most featured pairing in our past rounds!
  • The most-used rating was NC-17 (11 fics), followed by R (4 fics).
  • The complete word count was 91,344.

Note for drop-outs: If you dropped out before the deadline and gave us enough time to find a pinch-hitter, you're free to participate in the following round. If you promised to send in your fic and went AWOL on us, you will be banned from the next round.

Anonymous Masterlist

Anonymous wrote No Strings Attached [Draco/Pansy, Draco/Astoria - R] for alley_skywalker
Anonymous wrote Memoria [James/Lily - R] for the Community
Anonymous wrote Solitude and Solace [Draco/Albus - NC-17] for thepretender501
Anonymous wrote Down the Rabbit Hole [Voldemort/Bellatrix - R] for deirdre_aithne
Anonymous wrote Spoils of War [Draco/Hermione - NC-17] for scarletladyy
Anonymous wrote For the Best [Charlie/Fleur - NC-17] for luvscharlie
Anonymous wrote Lean On Me [George/Angelina - NC-17] for slythrngodss
Anonymous wrote White Rose [Draco/Luna - PG-13] for celestineangel
Anonymous wrote Are You Happy Now? [Remus/Sirius - PG] for the Community
Anonymous wrote Bandaged And Unbandaged Wounds [George/Harry - NC-17] for songquake
Anonymous wrote Sold Before Birth [Harry/Scorpius - NC-17] for k8matty
Anonymous wrote The Price of Failure [Bellatrix/Pansy - NC-17] for dexstarr
Anonymous wrote In This Hour The World Is Ending [Theodore/Daphne, George/Audrey, Oliver/Katie, Draco/Astoria - NC-17] for roses_at_sunset
Anonymous wrote Shards [Harry/Ginny - G] for elektra30
Anonymous wrote A Question of God and Man [Severus/Albus - NC-17] for the Community
Anonymous wrote Overs [Harry/Neville - R] for kamerreon
Anonymous wrote Lucky [Teddy/Victoire - PG-13] for the Community
Anonymous wrote The Price of Victory [Harry/Luna - NC-17] for thilia
Anonymous wrote Another Prophecy [Harry/Blaise - NC-17] for kamerreon
Anonymous wrote Ghost of Christmas Past [Harry/Ron, Hugo/Albus - PG-13] for coycoquette

Note: It has come to my attention that some people still haven't commented on their gifts. Of course it is entirely possible that you weren't online while we were posting but please do try to make the effort to thank your gifter for writing a fic for you. If you're known not to reply to your gift fics on previous occasions, you won't be eligible to participate in the next round.

The reveals will go up on Sunday, so try to use the weekend to catch up on fics you may not have read yet ♥

!round4, !statistics, !valentine2011, !anonymous masterlist

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