Reminder - Submissions Due Tomorrow!

Aug 14, 2010 14:56

Hello everyone!

I hope this doesn't come as a shock to anyone but... your submissions are due tomorrow! There are still many people we haven't heard from, so we hope that means that you're eagerly working on your fics and art and that we'll have your fics and art tomorrow.

You have until midnight your time to send everything in. If I don't hear from you by Monday morning, I will send you an email to poke you, and if you don't respond to that message within a day, I'm going to have to assume you've dropped out.

Now, the following people still need to submit:

alimsiemanym, androidiordna, anon_drarry, auselysium, a_shadow_there, celestineangel, chantefable, elektra30, eruditefics, girlofavalon, grander_fanfics, hamimifk, hereticalvision, justme_jane, khasael, rosehiptea, scarletladyy, silenceberry, sirmioneforever, songquake, vix_spes and xmusicnotesx.

I'm also going to send you guys an email, just in case you forgot to watch the comm and don't see this post. It would be great if you could respond to said message, just to let me know how you're doing and that you're going to submit on time.

If you see your name on that list and have already sent us your submission, just send it again because either we didn't get it or something else went wrong.

Anyway! When you're done with your fic, make sure you check the rules for the correct header codes, and then send it to!


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