The Big Reveal

Jan 31, 2010 16:27

And here it is - the Big Reveal! We'd like to thank all the authors, artists and pinch-hitters for making this such a great fest and we hope you'll be with us again for the next round of HP Emofest which will, once again, come sooner than you might think! :)

Thank you!

  1. whisperings wrote Frozen Bridges [Harry/Draco : NC-17] for une_jeune_fille
  2. stillaseeker wrote Upwardly Mobile [Albus/Scorpius : NC-17] for the Community
  3. gala_apples wrote Twenty Spirals Downward [Teddy/Louis : R] for teganscrush
  4. k8matty wrote Broken Hearts And Minds [Pansy/Hermione : NC-17] for scarletladyy
  5. unlikeothers wrote A Lesson Well Learned [Severus/Harry : NC-17] for the Community
  6. candygram_5000 created Love and Kill [Severus/Harry : PG] for the Community
  7. deathlydragon wrote Need To Be Needed [Charlie/Draco : NC-17] for seraphimerising
  8. writerofictions wrote When It Rains [Remus/Sirius : PG] for wwmrsweasleydo
  9. crazyparakiss wrote Do We Disappoint You [James/Albus : NC-17] for the Community
  10. vaysh11 wrote Friendly Advice [Harry/Draco : R] for the Community
  11. seraphimerising wrote I Was Born In The Month Of May... [Charlie/Draco : R] for deathlydragon
  12. phoenixacid drew Sorrow [Harry/Draco : G] for the Community
  13. wwmrsweasleydo wrote Got To Be Good Looking 'Cos He's So Hard To See [James/Sirius : NC-17] for writerofictions
  14. scarletladyy wrote Fallen [Pansy/Hermione : R] for whisperings
  15. une_jeune_fille wrote Field Research [Lorcan/Hugo/Lysander : R] for gala_apples
  16. westwardlee wrote The First [Draco/? : NC-17] for the Community
  17. phys_nut wrote Mayfly [Albus/Scorpius : NC-17] for the Community
  18. orpheous87 wrote Unexpected Consequences [Harry/Draco : PG] for slythrngodss
  19. hamimifk wrote Eulogy of Fear and Love [Pansy/Hermione : NC-17] for the Community
  20. bgreenwivy wrote Life In The Closet [Harry/Draco : R] for the Community
  21. songquake wrote A Smeltings Tradition [Piers/Dudley : NC-17] for bgreenwivy
  22. slythrngodss wrote Close Second [Seamus/Dean : PG-13] for orpheous87
  23. lia_clarissima wrote Ashes Upon The Earth [Harry/Draco : NC-17] for the Community
  24. stargirl82 wrote Entertain The Pain [Albus/Scorpius : PG-13] for songquake
  25. frayach wrote Nobody's Ever Died Of A Broken Heart [Harry/Draco : R] for the Community
  26. crazyparakiss wrote Never Did I Answer [Albus/Scorpius : NC-17] for stargirl82
  27. thilia drew Cry No More [Draco/Albus : NC-17] for the Community
  28. gypsyflame wrote Let Me Live [Severus/Draco, Harry/Draco : NC-17] for the Community
  29. thecatinthetree wrote Fallen Angel [Luna/OC : NC-17] for the Community
  30. teganscrush wrote More Than Blood Shall Spill [Severus/Harry : PG-13] for k8matty

If we made a mistake or there's any other problem, just poke a mod ;)

!reveals, !round2, !winter09/10

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