Statistics & Anonymous Masterlist

Jan 26, 2010 12:59

The last gift has just been posted, so it's time to catch up, reread, comment, rec and enjoy this round's 'emoness'! :) But first, we'd like to share some (more or less) interesting facts!

Some Statistics

  • 31 people signed up for this round and we ended up receiving and posting 30 gifts!
  • 16 of those fics/artworks were written/drawn for the Anonymous Exchange part of of the fest, and the other 14 were gifts for the Community.
  • 5 people dropped out - 3 Anonymous Exchange participants and 2 who were going to write for the community.
  • We received 3 additional submission from people who didn't sign up and we were in need of only 1 pinch-hitter because the other participants were very flexible and cooperative!
  • The most popular pairing in this round was without a doubt Harry/Draco (8 fics/drawings), followed by Albus/Scorpius (4 fics) and then Severus/Harry (3 fics) and Pansy/Hermione (3 fics).
  • According to you, the most 'emo' HP character is Draco who was featured in various 'emo' situations in no less than 13 fics, followed by Harry (11 fics) and Albus (6 fics).
  • The most-used rating in this fest was NC-17 (16 fics), followed by R (7 fics) - which basically just proves that we're all a bunch of perverts ;)
  • The complete word count in this fest was 171,379 words which is pretty amazing, isn't it? :)

Now that that's done, here's a complete list of all the gifts we posted over the last 26 days! The reveal will be posted on Sunday to conclude a fabulous month of emoness!

Anonymous Masterlist

  1. Anonymous wrote Frozen Bridges [Harry/Draco : NC-17] for une_jeune_fille
  2. Anonymous wrote Upwardly Mobile [Albus/Scorpius : NC-17] for the Community
  3. Anonymous wrote Twenty Spirals Downward [Teddy/Louis : R] for teganscrush
  4. Anonymous wrote Broken Hearts And Minds [Pansy/Hermione : NC-17] for scarletladyy
  5. Anonymous wrote A Lesson Well Learned [Severus/Harry : NC-17] for the Community
  6. Anonymous created Love and Kill [Severus/Harry : PG] for the Community
  7. Anonymous wrote Need To Be Needed [Charlie/Draco : NC-17] for seraphimerising
  8. Anonymous wrote When It Rains [Remus/Sirius : PG] for wwmrsweasleydo
  9. Anonymous wrote Do We Disappoint You [James/Albus : NC-17] for the Community
  10. Anonymous wrote Friendly Advice [Harry/Draco : R] for the Community
  11. Anonymous wrote I Was Born In The Month Of May... [Charlie/Draco : R] for deathlydragon
  12. Anonymous drew Sorrow [Harry/Draco : G] for the Community
  13. Anonymous wrote Got To Be Good Looking 'Cos He's So Hard To See [James/Sirius : NC-17] for writerofictions
  14. Anonymous wrote Fallen [Pansy/Hermione : R] for whisperings
  15. Anonymous wrote Field Research [Lorcan/Hugo/Lysander : R] for gala_apples
  16. Anonymous wrote The First [Draco/? : NC-17] for the Community
  17. Anonymous wrote Mayfly [Albus/Scorpius : NC-17] for the Community
  18. Anonymous wrote Unexpected Consequences [Harry/Draco : PG] for slythrngodss
  19. Anonymous wrote Eulogy of Fear and Love [Pansy/Hermione : NC-17] for the Community
  20. Anonymous wrote Life In The Closet [Harry/Draco : R] for the Community
  21. Anonymous wrote A Smeltings Tradition [Piers/Dudley : NC-17] for bgreenwivy
  22. Anonymous wrote Close Second [Seamus/Dean : PG-13] for orpheous87
  23. Anonymous wrote Ashes Upon The Earth [Harry/Draco : NC-17] for the Community
  24. Anonymous wrote Entertain The Pain [Albus/Scorpius : PG-13] for songquake
  25. Anonymous wrote Nobody's Ever Died Of A Broken Heart [Harry/Draco : R] for the Community
  26. Anonymous wrote Never Did I Answer [Albus/Scorpius : NC-17] for stargirl82
  27. Anonymous drew Cry No More [Draco/Albus : NC-17] for the Community
  28. Anonymous wrote Let Me Live [Severus/Draco, Harry/Draco : NC-17] for the Community
  29. Anonymous wrote Fallen Angel [Luna/OC : NC-17] for the Community
  30. Anonymous wrote More Than Blood Shall Spill [Severus/Harry : PG-13] for k8matty

!statistics, !round2, !winter09/10, !anonymous masterlist

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