FIC: Cool Down [Ron/Ginny]

Sep 11, 2015 11:01

Title: Cool Down
Author/Artist: lrthunder
Prompt: #96 by greyeyesbluetoo
Pairing(s): Ron/Ginny
Word Count/Art Medium: 1678
Rating: R
Warning(s): Nudity, but no explicit sex (although it could be implied)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: ( Read more... )

!2015, rating: r, pairing: ron/ginny, character: ron weasley, character: ginny weasley

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Comments 9

luvscharlie September 11 2015, 15:12:29 UTC
"Quite right, Ron, but I don't think we'll hear any objections as long as this heat wave lasts.
You have Arthur's voice down perfectly.

He didn't want to think of his sister in that way. It was bad enough she was his best mate's girlfriend.
So many complications!

Ginny giggled. "I didn't until you confessed right now."
Sneaky little minx

Ron/Ginny is a very guilty pleasure indeed and this was an utter delight. You described the heat wave in a way that the whole thing just felt stifling. What a great little treat this morning. Good job, Mystery Author!


amorette September 11 2015, 20:43:11 UTC
WOW. This was extremely hot. I love Ron's voice in this, a little innocent and appalled by the whole situation but still unable to resist it happening, and I love how Ginny is the aggressive one. It's just... Wow. I like this a lot.


capitu September 11 2015, 21:12:54 UTC
Ohh, that was fun! :D I love the voice you gave Ron, both eager and embarrassed. :D Wonderful!


candamira September 12 2015, 17:12:13 UTC

I'm with Capitu here: Ron being torn between eagerness and embarrassment was too cute. And Ginny, phew, that girl knows what she wants! :) Hot story! Thank you for sharing!


ladyofsd September 13 2015, 01:08:59 UTC
Steamy, naughty piece. :) Your writing definitely conveyed the stifling heat allll around. lol! Fun story! :D


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