DRIZZLE 2022: Week One Round Up!

Sep 05, 2022 12:08

Week One Round Up.

Podfics for drizzle 2022 are not anonymous

Title: Of Full Moons and Rain
READ BY: Static_Whisper
Author of Fic: Evening12
Pairing/Character: Remus Lupin [GEN]
Summary: Remus’ life has taken on a routine that revolves around the full moon.


Title: Swimming in the Rain
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Summary: Have you ever been swimming in the rain?

Title: out of the blue clear sky
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Summary: The decision to propose to Harry is the easiest Draco’s made in his life. There was little doubt about how to do it, too - a message, four words written in neat cursive on a piece of expensive parchment, carefully folded into a paper crane (for old time’s sake, and because he knows it will make Harry laugh). It has been sitting hidden in his trouser pocket for days. Now there’s only the matter of finding the perfect moment.


Title: Nirmal
Pairing: Cho Chang/Padma Patil
Summary: निर्मल [Nirmal] (Hindi) - pure:
(1) clean; e.g. The pure water of tropical, torrential rains.
(2) complete, total; e.g. The pure joy of running and splashing in the downpour with a loved one.

Title: Cozy Days Like These
Pairing: James Potter/Lily Potter
Summary: A snowstorm hits Godric's Hollow, but the Potters don't mind one bit.

Title: Out of the fog
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Summary: As Severus desperately rushes to get Harry to St Mungos through the fog he considers their relationship.

Title: Floating (with the melancholy storm)
Pairing: Albus Severus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
Summary: Albus Potter is set to film the third season of the show he was starring in for a few years. Unexpectedly, Scorpius Malfoy cannonballs into his life to play his love Interest-and Albus floats with the melancholy storm, unable to discern the show from reality.
(Kinda slow burn, kinda an open ending, kinda a lot of tension but it’s okay. It’s fine.)

Title: Summer Changes
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Summary: Harry stumbles upon Draco Malfoy babysitting his godson, Teddy. He should probably stop dropping by every time Malfoy is there, but something about his former enemy still draws him close and makes his stomach flip. Now in an entirely different way.

Title: Record Heat Wave, but the Greenhouse is Hotter
Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Rose Weasley
Summary: Rose Weasley didn't expect a record heatwave when she signed up to work in the Greenhouse at Hogwarts over the summer. She also didn't expect to shag Professor Longbottom.

Title: The Winds of Change
Pairing: Justin Finch-Fletchley/Ernie Macmillan
Summary: All the big changes in Ernie's life seemingly had been prompted by a change in the wind.

!weekly roundup, !2022

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