Claiming Starts - April 20th!

Apr 17, 2022 22:22

Claiming for HP DRIZZLE fest will begin on April 20.

Hi everyone! So the prompt list is compiled and ready for the 2022 DRIZZLE FEST. You can view it ++here++. Claiming will go up on the 20th of April, Wednesday. All claiming is first come, first served basis. If you are planning on claiming on the first day, I would recommend that you please select more than one option just in case your first choice is taken.

Drizzle Fest is designed to be chill. So don’t stress out and talk to us if you are unsure about something.

Note, you can only claim one prompt at a time. If you claim 2, your 2nd request will be ignored. You can claim your 2nd prompt after you’ve submitted the 1st one. Claiming post is the sign up post. Sign up post is the claiming post. If you wish to create something w/ your own idea, aka “self prompt,” you also sign up on the 20th of April. If you wish to create a podfic for an already weather-related published fic, you also sign up for that on the 20th of April. We have over 150 prompts, you can view them here:

Claiming info will be posted on Wednesday, the 20th of April.


!mod post, !2022

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