drizzle 2022: fest announcement & info

Jan 31, 2022 15:04

The HP DRIZZLE Fest welcomes all content and creative works as long as they are properly tagged on AO3 and listed (if needed) on the submission header. We know, and completely understand, that many fanwork creators are discouraged about participating in the HP fandom due to comments made by JKR, and have chosen to step away.

The HP DRIZZLE Fest is a fully trans- and queer-inclusive fest. Everyone is welcome here.

Like most other fandoms, Harry Potter as a canon/fanon/fandom grapples with various issues, including but not limited to transphobia, racism and other forms of discrimination. When creating fanworks, it can be helpful to keep various resources in mind, as well as doing additional research.

Magical Trans is a community in the Harry Potter fandom for transgender individuals as well as cis allies looking to educate themselves.
Writing with Color's Stereotypes & Tropes Navigation is one way to begin examining racism when creating fanworks.

If you have resources you've found helpful and would like to share, please let us know. (We trust this caution isn't necessary, but if you don't agree with the linked resources, please do not contact them with negative comments.)

Fest Timeline:
Prompting: April 01 to April 15
Claiming: April 20 to August 07
Submissions Due: August 15
Posting Begins: September 01

General Fest Rules, Regulations, and Links are here.

!mod post, !2022

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