Drizzle 2020: Comfort In The Storm (Harry/Ron)

Sep 03, 2020 08:40

Title: Comfort in the Storm
Author/Artist: Aikawa_Akihiko
Prompt: # 13 - Someone is scared of thunderstorms, someone else comforts them.
Pairing(s): Gen or Harry/Ron if you want
Word Count/Art Medium: ~1500
Rating: G
Warning(s): Implied canon level child abuse
Disclaimer: This story is created for fun. No profit is being made.
Notes: More gen than pre-slash, but I went into this story thinking slash, so I can’t un-see it. Otherwise this is a little bit of hurt/comfort fluff!
Summary: Storms are even scarier outside of the cupboard.

(Comfort in the Storm)

pairing: no pairing, rating: g, pairing: gen, pairing: pre-slash, character: ron weasley, !2020, character: harry potter

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