FEST 2018: Anonymous Masterlist

Oct 08, 2018 00:52

What a great round! Thanks a lot to everyone that's participated. Below is the anon masterlist. Reveals are going to be up on Wednesday!


Title: It's Just a Little Hail
Pairing(s): Cho/Luna
Summary: Although the Ministry officials assured their employees that the hail falling from the office ceilings would be taken care of within the next ten minutes, people were still scrambling to collect their belongings, casting feeble protective spells over their heads in a panic as they made a run for the exit. Cho and Luna, however, were in no rush. They always had all the time in the world when they were together.

Title: Caught: Hat, Hand, and Heart
Pairing(s): Ginny/Luna
Summary: Luna's lost her hat on a blustery day. Ginny catches it, and something else.

Title: A Ghastly Night
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: "The last person Draco expected to see on his doorstep in the torrential rain was a very wet and very naked Potter"

Title: The Storm Abated as Night Grew Close
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Aurors Potter and Malfoy are separated from the rest of their team when a sandstorm hits their camp. Will they continue to be able to ignore the tension between them when there's no one else around to act as a buffer?

Title: Lost in a Fog
Pairing(s): Minerva/Severus
Summary: October 4th, 1997. Minerva's birthday. The new headmaster can't help remembering a time not so long ago when he thought he was not alone.

Title: Redemption
Pairing(s): Lucius/Hermione
Summary: Hermione reads that muggles have found solitary confinement is inhumane and damages people. Prisoners after the last war were kept for safekeeping in a basement of the ministry- locked in snowglobes. They were forgotten and alone for five years. The only contact they have with people are a few sheets of paper that family can use to send messages. Draco is concerned because his father stopped writing to him a year ago, and complains to the ministry. Constant snow and dungeon are all that he ever sees. Hermione hatches a plan to execute some humanitarian aid, consulting with Luna's father in law. She sneaks into the ministry with a hat box that is bigger on the inside than the outside, and then finds her way into the Malfoy snow globe.

Title: Des hallebardes
Pairing(s): Ginny Weasley/Lavender Brown
Summary: It's raining cats and dogs, but Ginny really can't complain, because she has the most supportive girlfriend she could ever hope for. Any day Lavender shows up at the Harpies' training session is a brighter day no matter how hard it rains, and it doesn't hurt that she always wears scandalously transparent dresses.

Title: Fate in the Mist
Pairing(s): Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood
Summary: Pirate captain Ginny and her crewless ship are on a mission to find the biggest treasure of her pirate career. But something about the mist tells her that she's going to find so much more than treasure.

PODFIC - all read by
semperfiona! Podfics were not anonymous

Title: Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain [podfic]
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Summary: faithwood's original summary: It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that's ever so cross.

Title: Haunted [podfic]
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Summary: icicle33's original summary: Draco always has a follower when he visits Snape's grave.

Title: Wrap Me Up [podfic]
Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius
Summary: humanveil's original summary: Remus and Sirius share a moment of peace.

GEN / Other / Multiple Pairings.

Title: Pay what is owed
Pairing(s): Bill, OFC, OMC
Summary: The sound sent a chill down Bill's spine every time he heard it. He didn't doubt that the voice was real anymore, even though he seemed to be the only one able to hear it.

Title: The Fog Rolls In
Pairing(s): Percy/Audrey, Percy/Oliver
Summary: Two years after Audrey's death, Percy moves out of the family home to something smaller. As he makes a final tour of the house, he remembers his life with Audrey and their unexpectedly unconventional family, and is finally ready to say goodbye.

Title: Freezing
Pairing(s): Parvati, Hermione, Draco.
Summary: Why are her feet always freezing, regardless of the season?!


Title: The Paradox of Elements
Pairing(s): Hermione/Draco
Summary: On weather and ancient magic, and how Harry Potter's matchmaking saved his department from destruction by tornadoes.

Title: The Fog is Rising
Pairing(s): Blaise/Ginny
Summary: Ginny Weasley was twenty-four-years-old, and her hair was too long. She was trim and tall, despite too much beer round the pub, and shitty food while on the road. She hated her brown eyes and she hated her freckles. And she hated the panic that regularly gripped her soul and robbed her of the ability to think or feel or breathe. We must go in. The fog is rising.

Title: Bob's Horrific Tale
Pairing(s): Hermione/Draco
Summary: In the middle of a storm, Bob followed two bickering creatures that crawled out of the sea.

Title: Flying Lessons
Pairing(s): Draco/Hermione
Summary: Draco is surprised when Hermione turns to him for flying lessons, but then everything is a little bit different upon their return to Hogwarts after the war.

Title: born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining
Pairing(s): Luna/Rolf
Summary: A misstep in the Argentinian mountains puts Luna's life in danger and sends Rolf off on a desperate bid to find the help she needs to survive.

Title: Bedside Manner
Pairing(s): Ron/Pansy
Summary: Pansy is going to start charging more for every time she has to deal with patching him up.

Title: Unusual Rituals
Pairing(s): Draco/Luna
Summary: When Luna is involved in the planning prepare for some unusual things to occur mixed with some fun of course.

Title: Overdressed
Pairing(s): Hermione/Sirius
Summary: Living in Grimmauld Place after the war, Hermione has taken to disappearing each day. She's very cagey about where she's going, and it's driving Sirius absolutely bonkers.

Title: This Side of the Line
Pairing(s): Harry/Pansy
Summary: Why is she in the middle of the quidditch pitch in the rain?

Title: Finding Warmth Beneath the Northern Lights
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Summary: It's cold outside, but Hermione knows exactly how to warm her husband up.

Title: Changing Rains
Pairing(s): Ginny/Blaise
Summary: When a storm drives her to the ground Ginny finds shelter and a fresh start in the manor of an unexpected admirer. Unsure of her future when she lands, what she finds inside changes everything.

Title: Divine Intervention
Pairing(s): Hermione Granger/Marcus Flint
Summary: Something lead to them both being in the storm at the same moment.


Title: I'll love it (when we're moving together)
Pairing(s): Parvati/Pansy
Summary: Pansy attends a wedding where the sister of the bride is dancing in the rain.

Title: No Stranger to Shifts
Pairing(s): Millicent/Hannah
Summary: It wasn't that she felt bad, or wrong-it was that she couldn't imagine what to do with her feelings.

Title: Blue Viola
Pairing(s): Pansy/Ginny
Summary: Pansy hates the rain. She also hates Quidditch. She loves Ginny.


Title: Augury Forecast
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Draco had always known that teaching at Hogwarts would be an experience, he just didn’t think that meant a flash flood in the kitchens, a windstorm in the Great Hall, or a sandstorm in the Quidditch pitch. Months of extreme weather would grate on anyone’s nerves, but to have Potter, the ever annoying Divination Professor, around every corner was even worse. So much for a quiet life at Hogwarts.

Title: Skinny Dipping
Pairing(s): Harry/Charlie
Summary: The summer heat is unusually hot, and Charlie suggests to Harry that they ought to try skinny dipping to cool down.

Title: After The Storm, Comes The Feelings
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Teddy
Summary: Teddy and James are out racing on their brooms when a violent wind and thunderstorm catches them unaware. The two find quick cover and Teddy begins his questioning over James 'odd' behaviour.

Title: Summer's End
Pairing(s): Albus/Gellert
Summary: Gellert was the embodiment of summer: sunlit hair, warm skin beneath Albus's hands, and a smile that made Albus feel hot down to his very bones. But all summers must come to an end.

Title: Time To Take A Ride
Pairing(s): Newt/Percival
Summary: Newt is not fan of beaches and sunshine in general. But the mysterious bartender looks somewhat familiar...

Title: It Started In A Club
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: It's the hottest summer in a century when Harry and Draco get married.

Title: Rump Roast
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry's bum is sunburned, and Draco seizes the opportunity to roast him.

Title: When Winter Doesn't End
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/Scorpius
Summary: Albus really hates snow, and Scorpius won't take no for an answer.

Title: A Charmed Mess
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: It was meant to be a bit of a friendly competition between former rivals. So how did it turn into this mess?

Title: Song Like A Storm
Pairing(s): Sirius/Remus
Summary: Sirius may have made a mistake in starting a feud with his long term crush, but there was no way he was going to back out now. Remus can't even figure out how he ended up in a feud with Sirius Black in the first place.

Title: Only a Change of Time
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Sometimes, love takes many seasons.

Title: And the Mist Upon the Hill
Pairing(s): Harry/Rabastan
Summary: …Shadowy-shadowy-yet unbroken,/Is a symbol and a token-/How it hangs upon the trees,/A mystery of mysteries!

Title: Saltwater, Sweat, and Burned Sausages
Pairing(s): Harry/Hugo
Summary: Hugo had thought he was subtle. During the annual trip to his grandparent's house in Australia, though, he finds out he is exactly the opposite.

Title: Thank You, Henrietta
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Lily is on her way to Hogwarts for the last time. Harry wants to celebrate by throwing the perfect party, and Draco is determined to help.

Title: Too Hot For
Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius
Summary: Remus is trying to study when Sirius arrives to flaunt his new hairstyle.

Title: The Wind Knows Best
Pairing(s): Draco/Neville
Summary: Draco wasn't sure if it was the gust of wind or some sort of magic that blew them together that day, but either way, he was glad for it.

Title: Uncharted Territory
Pairing(s): Teddy/James Sirius
Summary: Teddy was made for winter. He was made for cold weather and thick, horribly-patterned sweaters with the cuffs pulled down over his fingers. He was made for ice on the pavement and snow in the sky and hot breath curling in the air. He was made for hot chocolate and crackling fires and things that made you feel warm inside when it was freezing out. He was not made for heat waves, but James Sirius Potter was, and that was all the more infuriating.

Title: Chasing Waterfalls
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: A surprise storm in the rainforests of Chachapoyas forces Harry and Draco to discover a hidden gem behind a waterfall. Let the Indiana Jones adventure begin.

Title: It Started on a Tuesday
Pairing(s): Sirius/Remus
Summary: Remus has taken to dancing in their living room to David Bowie. Sirius is slowly losing his mind.

Title: Autumn Leaves
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: When Draco finds himself in a nose to nose confrontation with his father, Harry offers him an unexpected solution.

Title: Of Heat, Storms, and The Rough Outdoors
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Longing for a new start after Astoria’s passing, Draco decides to leave Britain with his son and start a new life in Malaysia. When the city-loving Draco reluctantly indulges the nature-loving Scorpius in a camping and wildlife adventure for his eighth birthday, he thinks it can hardly get worse - but then their trail guide turns out to be none other than Harry Potter.

Title: A Bolt Overdue
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry and Malfoy are rival lightning catchers who only had sex the one time. It's not a big deal. They absolutely haven't been dancing around each other ever since. Everyone they know definitely isn't sick of it.

Title: Wild Roses
Pairing(s): Neville/Blaise
Summary: Neville thinks Blaise is just like a wild rose - undeniably beautiful, but full of thorns. That's fine, because plants are his specialty, and Neville will take Blaise, thorns and all.

Title: Anywhere Away With You
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry and Draco go undercover to catch a Squib, but wind up kidnapped and alone and in danger. And they learn about each other.

Title: Three Stripes, a Muffin Top, and Those Pink Shoes
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: It’s the hottest day anyone can remember. It's also Draco's 45th birthday and Harry has thrown him a pool party. Everyone’s feeling the heat. Well, everyone except for Harry. Something and someone are making things complicated. Something soft and someone hard.

Thanks for being a part of the fest.

!2018, !anonymous masterlist

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