FEST 2018: No Stranger to Shifts (Millicent/Hannah)

Sep 20, 2018 12:46

Title: No Stranger to Shifts
Prompt: # F13 by kiertorata
Pairing(s): Millicent Bulstrode / Hannah Abbott
Word Count/Art Medium: 9162
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Halfway through writing this, I remembered that I was supposed to be taking inspiration from the prompt, and not just indulging in my own personal fantasies. Then I shrugged and continued on like the self-possessed Slytherin I am. Hopefully the two coincided in some way. A big thank you to my beta, M.M.B., who raised her figurative eyebrow at my original (poorly considered) thunderstorm scenes and thus smartened this here story up. She also detected and corrected many typos. Just so you're all aware.

Summary: It wasn't that she felt bad, or wrong-it was that she couldn't imagine what to do with her feelings.

(No Stranger to Shifts)

!2018, rating: pg-13, character: hannah abbott, pairing: millicent/hannah, character: millicent bulstrode

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