Character Creator
Male Rogue
Default Appearance
Name: Harry Potter
Difficulty: Normal
In the dark and foreboding stone tower of the Circle of Magi, a single lantern ignited with a small burst of mana. A woman in mage’s robes brought the lantern to an old wooden desk, where she had several vellum scrolls in organized bundles, a pot of ink and quill ready for work, and an open book with blank pages waiting to be filled.
The mage, a woman with lots of bushy brown hair (shot through with strands of silver from age and magical stress) and wizened brown eyes, sat down at the desk and set a scroll that she had been carrying on top of the book. When opened, the scroll revealed a skillful drawing of seven faces arranged in a circle and entwined with glittering chains.
The mage painstakingly added the drawing to the blank book, placed at the beginning so that it would be the first page of the manuscript yet-to-be written. Once she was satisfied, the mage gave the drawing a fond smile and turned to the next blank page. She took up the quill and began their story with these words:
There have been many tales told about the man who has come to be known as the Chosen One. Far more lies than truths have been spread, due to word-of-mouth hearsay of those who heard the story from someone else, who had their own interpretation of another person’s telling of the tale, and so on until whatever truth there was has been lost. As I commit this story to the printed word, I assure you that this book contains nothing less than the truth, as recalled by those who witnessed it first hand-the companions of the Chosen One, and Potter himself.
It is time for this tale to be told properly, so that future generations may know the struggles, the discoveries, the friendships, and the sacrifices made by the Hero of Thedas and his companions as we fought to save the world from the very brink of destruction.
Harry Potter - Dragon Age
Quest One - Humble Beginnings Quest Two - Blood Fugitive Blood Fugitive (Part 2) Quest Three - Redcliffe Under Attack Quest Four - Many Meetings Many Meetings (Part 2) Quest Five - The Devil in the Dark The Devil in the Dark (Part 2) Quest Six - The Joining Quest Seven - The Battle of Haven --
“Yes, well, I have something called respect for human life. It’s a terrible failing in a blood mage, really.”
A brother in the Imperial Chantry of Tevinter, Draco accidentally caught the attention of the Templars while travelling in Ferelden. He first encountered Harry Potter in the Redcliffe smithy when he tried to hide from his hunters there, and the two fought briefly. Draco offered a bribe and swore that he would return to Tevinter immediately if Potter stood aside. He was allowed to escape, though the Templars remained hot on his heels.
“These are dark times, there is no denying. But the Templar order will continue as always to defend your liberty and control those with the power to take it from you.”
For many years, Ferelden was nearly infamous for its lenient policies regarding magic and the willingness of the crown to harbor mages fleeing from neighboring countries. An investigation was ordered and changes made, the most significant of these being, perhaps, the appointment of Rufus Scrimgeour as the new knight-commander. Scrimgeour has made the Ferelden Templars a force to be reckoned with once more-a powerful order of guardians to some and a ruthless army of oppressors to others.
“No good sittn’ worryin’ abou’ it. What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.”
Towering over other men, Hagrid inherited his height and strength from his Tal-Vashoth mother and his appearance and boisterous nature from his dwarven father. Hagrid grew up in the Korcari Wilds with the Chasind folk after his mother left and his father passed away, and despite being ridiculed for his size and strange heritage, he enjoyed exploring the woods and tending to the animals that lived there. The Chasind now say that only Flemeth and her daughters know the Wilds better than Hagrid the giant.
“I joined [the Grey Wardens] in honor of the Warden responsible for removing my curse, and I have never regretted doing so.”
Remus has long since forgotten the name he was born with, as he bitten by a werewolf when quite young and forced to live in the forest with his kind for many years-until a spirit known as the Lady of the Forest gave the werewolves peace and the Hero of Ferelden facilitated a cure. Their humanity restored, the clan took the surname “Wolf” in memory of the Lady, and Remus eventually named himself after a mythical Antivan hero who was raised by wolves. Finding his life as a human lacked purpose, Remus sought to learn the art of warfare and joined the Grey Wardens, where he became a level-headed second-in-command and a valued mentor to new recruits.
“I was never given an apprentice. The First Enchanter said that I lacked certain necessary qualities, like the ability to behave myself.”
Tonks is the child of a former noblewoman and the elf she was disowned for marrying. The mixed-race family was unwelcomed in both human neighborhoods and the elven Alienage, and they had little coin to live on-it was almost a blessing when Tonks was discovered to have magical ability and taken away to the Circle of Magi. The current Grey Warden Commander later visited the Circle and saw himself in the playful mage (in fact, it was later discovered that they were cousins), so he offered her a place in the order, which she eagerly accepted.
“Well, try having five successful older brothers. Two Templars, a respected soldier-even the twins are making it rich as merchants. It’s a lot to live up to.”
The youngest of six brothers, Ron has always felt lost in the shadows of his far more successful siblings. At the Battle of Haven, Ron hoped to make a name for himself as a fighter in his own right.
“Books and cleverness- there are more important things.”
Hermione has spent nearly her entire life at the Ferelden Circle of Magi, where she was a serious and supremely talented student. These qualities made her well liked by the enchanters but often annoyed her fellow apprentices. She recently completed her Harrowing at an unusually young age, further widening the gap between her and her peers.
“I’m not exactly the most popular noble around. As you might have guessed.”
After his parents were lost in the Deep Roads when he was still an infant, Nevil was raised by his domineering grandmother, who refused to let him learn how to fight out of fear that he’d share his parents’ fate. As he also lacks the qualities necessary to function in the cutthroat world of Orzammar politics, Nevil has become something of a joke among the dwarven people.
"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."
The Black family, once at the height of Ferelden aristocracy, became an infamous example of nobility gone horribly wrong. A disturbingly high number of their descendants turned out to have magical ability. One branch of the family became known for the brutal exploitation of the poor while another branch disowned their daughter for the shame of marrying an elf. They used assassinations and bribery to spread their influence, and many of the Blacks went mad after failed experiments with blood magic.
Disgusted by his family’s gruesome reputation, young Sirius ran away from home with his boyhood friend James Potter. The pair left their lives of comfort to become thieves, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, and came to be known as folk heroes. They were eventually caught, but were recruited into the Grey Wardens on the night before their hanging. Those years with the Wardens were the happiest in Sirius’s life.
When he heard that James and his wife had died (along with, as he thought at the time, their infant son), Sirius was heartbroken and threw himself into Grey Warden work as a distraction from his grief. He eventually earned the rank of Warden-Commander-an honor that he silently resented, believing that it should have belonged to James.
“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
Not many people are still alive who could tell you about Albus’s younger years-for most, the mage has always been the bearded old man that he is now. Absent-minded, eccentric, and apparently senile, Albus’s odd behavior seems to be a ploy to obfuscate his true nature: that of a cunning, intelligent manipulator. This deception has enabled him to put his knowledge of ancient and forbidden magic to use for the Grey Wardens without the Templars realizing a thing.
“Constant Vigilance!”
Alastor Moody has been fighting Darkspawn for most of his life, first as a young man defending his home, then eventually as a member of the Silver Order alongside the Grey Wardens. He did not join the Wardens himself, however, until much later in life.
When what began as a routine training exercise became an ambush, Moody sacrificed himself to give the young Wardens an opportunity to escape. It seemed impossible that anyone could have survived, let alone a man of his advanced years-therefore it came as quite a shock when his funeral service was interrupted by Moody himself, alive and in (mostly) one piece. But he had been tainted by Darkspawn blood, so to save his life, the Wardens put him through the Joining. He cheated death yet again and became a Grey Warden.
Moody’s considerable experience in battle and the loss of his eye has made him understandably suspicious to the point of paranoia. Only a fool would dismiss his warnings, however.