RL name: Amy
LJ name:
author_by_night Age: 24
How did you come to live in DC? (Are you a student? Have you always lived here? Are you new to the area?): I live more like an hour and forty five minutes away from DC - I'm very close to Baltimore. I'm not new to the area exactly, but I didn't grow up here; we moved here when I was in middle school.
Who is your favorite character? I'm not sure - they all changed throughout the books, as did my opinion of them. I'd have to go with Neville, Luna, Remus, Tonks, and Hagrid. Yes, I'm one of the few people who likes Hagrid.
What's your favorite pairing? Remus/Tonks, or was before TDH when it was just... weird. I'm also fond of Ron/Hermione.
What's your favorite book in the series? A tie between Order of the Phoenix and The Deathly Hallows with Prisoner of Azkaban as a second runner-up.
How long have you been in the fandom: Nine years. LJ was an infant and fanfiction.net was "the place" to be if you were a fan of the Harry Potter books and liked fanfiction. Oh, how fast things change.
I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone! I see there's a meeting August 15th - I'll just be heading back home from vacation, but I'll try and attend a meetup at some point. Unfortunately, I don't drive, so it's hard for me to get places, but depending on where everyone meets I'm hoping something will work out eventually. Are meetups ever in Baltimore? It would be easier to attend one there (though still not definite), and I would love to meet more people who are as into Harry Potter as I am.