Hey all! It's been far too long.
To those of you that have tried to keep in contact with my recently and I have been quite MIA, I am extremely sorry. This semester has been insanely stressful to the point of multiple breakdowns. But on to better things...
The wonderful
xhannahbethx decided to form the reunion, as the DVD release is coming. So if you're interested (which you all should be!) head over to
hpcr_reunion for some fun. I'm a bit late to the party myself, but there are watch parties and a whole bunch of fun stuff!
Also, if you don't know about it, I think there's something all of you should see.
http://www.myhogwarts.co.uk/This is going to be epic.
I love you all, despite how it might seem at times. <3
And those of you waiting for Potter Life to pop back up... I'm not positive what's going on there. Our server switched and it got messed up and I haven't been able to fix it yet, not that I've had too much time to try, to be quite honest. I will send out a mass e-mail when/if it pops back up. I'm so sorry!