Fest title: The 5th Annual Draco/Ginny Exchange
Link to the comm hosting it:
dgficexchange Rules:
# If you request a fic or art, you must be able to fulfil someone else's request.
# You do not have to be a Live Journal user to participate, but you do need a valid email address so the mods can keep in contact with you.
# All fics should have a minimum word count of 1500
Fest schedule:
Sign ups: September 09, 2008 - September 20, 2008
Picking the Prompts: Sept 23, 2008 - Sept 27, 2008
Assignments Handed Out: September 30, 2008
Fics due: November 15, 2008
Posting begins shortly thereafter
Awards: Jan 2009
More information: in the
announcement and sign up post.