Jul 04, 2015 22:31
Rating: Probably NC-17
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Severus Snape
Need Help With: Checking for typos, SPAG, suggestions for wrestling plot-bunnies and filling plot-holes
Deadlines?: Due for Snaco_soiree on 1st September
Warnings/Contains: Cross-gen but not under-age (takes place after the Battle of Hogwarts)
Other Info: The fest requires that fics are beta-checked and it is so long since I last wrote HP fanfic that my previous beta readers seem to have left the fandom. I need an extra pair of eyes. My fics don't usually need a lot of editing. I can offer Brit-picking in exchange if you want it.
Beta found, thanks.
draco malfoy,
severus snape,
length: one shot,
category: slash,
contains: cross gen,
era: post-dh/post-war,
beta request