FIC: "Elegy for a Goat" for pauraque

May 13, 2014 15:36

Recipient: pauraque
Author/Artist: ???
Title: Elegy for a Goat
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Severus/Aberforth, background hint of Aberforth/Albus
Word Count: 17,460
Medium: Fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): None.
Summary: Ab has never been fond of his brother's protégés, but he's always had a weakness for goats. He's not sure what to make of Severus Snape.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Thanks beyond measure to Delphi, who is the most encouraging and kindest of mods and has more patience than a thousand saints put together.

Elegy for a Goat

aberforth dumbledore/severus snape, rated:pg-13, beholder 2014, severus snape, aberforth dumbledore, fic, slash

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