HP Beholder 2012 Fic & Art Master List - REVEALS

May 27, 2012 13:52

And here we have it, the 55 stories and works of art from this year's hp_beholder exchange, now with names attached. Authors and Artist: you're at liberty to post your work wherever you want!

Once again, stories that were too long for a single IJ post were hosted on the HP Beholder Dreamwidth community. If anybody would like a Dreamwidth invite, email me at beholder.mod at gmail and let me know. Art, however, I still hosted on my own website, so Artists: please give me the new links for your art as soon as you re-upload, so that I can update the coding. And Authors: if you'd like me to add a preferred redirect for your stories, just let me know!

There's also a collection on the Archive of Our Own (AO3) for those of you who are interested in adding your hp_beholder fic. You can find the collection here: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/hp_beholder

If you'd like to add your stories to the collection but don't have an AO3 account, let me know and I'll arrange for an account invite.

(note: the AO3 is currently unable to host art, but...someday soon?)


  • carrot/vikingcarrot (LJ) drew wrote "False Reluctance" (Rabastan/Andromeda. NC-17) for gamma_orionis ( on LJ)
  • didodikali drew "The Language of Birds" (Marcus Flint/Ginny Weasley. NC-17) for o_k_go ( on LJ)
  • donnaimmaculata drew "Triptych: Seduction - Vows - Conception" (Merope Gaunt/Tom Riddle. NC-17) for albalark ( on LJ)
  • o_k_go drew "Would You Like to Hear My Voice (Sprinkled with Emotion)" (Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley. NC-17) for wwmrsweasleydo ( on LJ)
  • sealcat drew "Seduction" (Moaning Myrtle/Severus Snape. PG-13) for xylodemon on LJ)
  • shadowycat drew "Safe in Your Arms" (Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall. PG-13) for schemingreader on LJ)
  • venturous1 (LJ) drew "Time Traveler" (Helga Hufflepuff/Arthur Weasley. G.) for teshara ( on LJ)
  • vividzephyr/vividescent drew "Tasting Party" (Igor Karkaroff/Viktor Krum. R.) for chazpure ( on LJ)

    ART & FIC

  • chazpure wrote/drew "The Life She Chose" (Eileen Prince/Tobias Snape. G.) for femmequixotic ( on LJ)
  • snapelike wrote/drew "Fantastic Beasts and How to Tame Them: a Guide For the Seasoned Auror" (Moody, Kingsley, Draco, Snape, Abraxas. For further pairings information (spoiler) highlight to view: *Moody/Draco, Kingsley/Abraxas, Severus/Lucius, mentioned Moody/Kingsley*. NC-17) for leela_cat on LJ)


  • albalark wrote "Choosing the Wizard" (Garrick Ollivander/Rubeus Hagrid. PG.) for synn on LJ)
  • alisanne wrote "The Celestial Code" (Snape/Sinistra, Remus/Harry implied. NC-17.) for snapesgirl ( on LJ)
  • alley_skywalker wrote "Under the Surface" (Abraxas Malfoy/Orion Black. PG.) for musamihi ( on LJ)
  • alwaysasnapefan/alwaysasnapefan wrote "Bravery and Ambition" (Amycus Carrow/Peter Pettigrew. R.) for venturous ( on LJ)
  • anguis_1 wrote "An Affinity for Dangerous Creatures" (Silvanus Kettleburn/Millicent Bulstrode, Severus Snape. R.) for atdelphi on LJ)
  • atdelphi wrote "Eyes Open" (Alastor Moody/Severus Snape. NC-17) for fluffyllama ( on LJ)
  • cardigrl wrote "Amorous Birds of Prey" (Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape. R.) for kelly_chambliss ( on LJ)
  • chantefable wrote "A Fire in the Deep" (Grey Lady/Bloody Baron . PG-13) for sealcat on LJ)
  • coffee_n_cocoa wrote "As Yeast for Bread" (Goyle/Bulstrode. R.) for katmarajade ( on LJ)
  • dexstarr wrote "In the Shadow of a Black Hole" (Andromeda Tonks/Rita Skeeter. PG-13.) for miramiraficfic ( on LJ)
  • eeyore9990 wrote "Not Exactly the First blush of Youth" (Galatea Merrythought/Griselda Marchbanks. PG.) for chantefable ( on LJ)
  • featherxquill wrote "Chosen and Accepted" (Andromeda Tonks/Augusta Longbottom, with references to Andromeda/Ted, Augusta/Frank Snr, Augusta/Minerva. PG.) for woldy ( on LJ)
  • femmequixotic wrote "The Oddity of Kisses" (Gregory Goyle/Severus Snape. NC-17) for kinky_kneazle ( on LJ)
  • fluffyllama wrote "The Chelmsford List" (Stan Shunpike/Mundungus Fletcher. R.) for eeyore9990 ( on LJ)
  • gamma_orionis wrote "Worse than Death" (Petunia Dursley/Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley/Rabastan Lestrange. NC-17) for scarletladyy ( on LJ)
  • hannelore wrote "Cultivation" (Petunia Evans/Vernon Dursley. R.) for donnaimmaculata ( on LJ)
  • inspired_ideas wrote "Burrowing" (Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley. PG) for lyras on LJ)
  • katmarajade wrote "Tale as Old as Time" (Gregory Goyle/Padma Patil . R.) for myownmuggle on LJ)
  • kellychambliss wrote "Smiles of a Summer Night" (Minerva McGonagall/Alastor Moody. R. ) for inspired_ideas ( on LJ)
  • kinky_kneazle wrote "Smudge" (Dean Thomas/Millicent Bulstrode. R.) for lash_larue ( on LJ)
  • lash_larue wrote "As You Say" (Petunia/Severus. PG-13/R.) for pale_moonlite ( on LJ)
  • leela_cat wrote "A Hand, Outstretched" (Viktor Krum/Percy Weasley. PG-13) for snapelike ( on LJ)
  • leni_jess wrote "The River Horse" (Amelia Bones/Severus Snape. R.) for featherxquill ( on LJ)
  • lyras wrote "Links to build a life" (Arthur/Molly. NC-17) for nimrod_9 ( on LJ)
  • merenwen wrote "Journey into Reality" (Ted Tonks/Andromeda Black. PG-13) for tattooedsappho ( on LJ)
  • miramiraficfic wrote "Irma's Library" (Irma Pince/Minerva McGonagall, Irma Pince/Horace Slughorn, Irma Pince/Rolanda Hooch, Irma Pince/Severus Snape, Irma Pince/Madam Rosmerta, Irma Pince/Filius Flitwick, Irma Pince/Argus Filch. PG-13) for therealsnape ( on LJ)
  • musamihi wrote "Scapegoat" (Igor Karkaroff/OMC. R.) for carrot/vikingcarrot ( on LJ)
  • myownmuggle wrote "Unexpected Heart" (Augusta Longbottom/Alastor Moody, Neville Longbottom/Hannah Abbott. PG.) for didodikali ( on LJ)
  • nimrod_9 wrote "Avarice, Regret and a Spoonful of Courage" (Albus Dumbledore/Horace Slughorn. NC-17) for purplefluffycat on LJ)
  • noeon wrote "Life Less Muggle" (Millicent Bulstrode/Dudley Dursley. NC-17. ) for vividzephyr/vividescent ( on LJ)
  • odogoddess wrote "Steady as She Goes" (Arabella Figg/Severus Snape. R.) for shadowycat ( on LJ)
  • pale_moonlite (LJ/DW) wrote "A Magical Moment in the Life of Petunia Dursley, Née Evans" (Petunia/Snape, Petunia/Vernon, Petunia/Lily (of sorts). R.) for pauraque on LJ)
  • pauraque wrote "The Two Names of Xiomara Rolanda Hooch" (Hooch/McGonagall. PG-13.) for noeon (on LJ)
  • purplefluffycat wrote "Professor C. Binns: A Personal History" (Cuthbert Binns/Walburga Black. PG.) for odogoddess ( on LJ)
  • ragdoll wrote "Behind the Masks" (Gregory Goyle/Marietta Edgecombe, mention of past Greg/Pansy Parkinson. R/NC-17) for anguis_1 on LJ)
  • scarletladyy wrote "Great Romances" (Dolohov/Pansy. PG.) for alley_skywalker ( on LJ)
  • schemingreader wrote "Cultural Differences" (Severus Snape/Viktor Krum. NC-17.) for leni_jess ( on LJ)
  • snapesgirl wrote "Old Fashioned Love Song" (Abraxas/Severus. PG.) for alisanne ( on LJ)
  • synn wrote "Courtship of a Common Man" (Viktor Krum/Percy Weasley. R.) for coffee_n_cocoa on LJ)
  • tattooedsappho wrote "Bookworms and Broomsticks" (Hermione/Andromeda. NC-17) for merenwen ( on LJ)
  • teshara wrote "The Garage" (Arthur/Kingsley. NC-17) for hannelore ( on LJ)
  • therealsnape wrote "A Story of Warnings and the Ignoring Thereof" (Pince/Slughorn. PG-13.) for cardigrl ( on LJ)
  • woldy wrote "Adamantine" (Millicent/Hooch. PG-13) for dexstarr ( on LJ)
  • wwmrsweasleydo wrote "The Magpie and the Rat" (Peter Pettigrew/Mundungus Fletcher. PG-13) for alwaysasnapefan. ( on LJ)
  • xylodemon wrote "One More for the Road" (Sirius/Rosmerta. R.) for ragdoll ( on LJ)


    As I've done before, I've put together some stats for those of you with a kink for number-crunching:

    Fic/Art by Pairing Category

    (more than 55 total due to multiple pairings in some stories. Note: last year's totals are in parentheses...make what you will of the statistical changes.)

    Slash - 20 (22)
    Het - 42 (31)
    Femslash - 11 (19)
    Threesome (of sorts) - 1

    True Love (i.e., pairings that appeared more than once)

    Petunia Dursley/Vernon Dursley - 3
    Percy Weasley/Viktor Krum -2
    Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall - 2
    Severus Snape/Petunia Dursley - 2

    Characters who were the focus of 3 or more stories/works of art (Note: there were 63 different characters represented in this year's Fest)

    Severus Snape - 15 (Hands down, the most popular character, even though he isn't on the official Beholder character list, which...might have something to do with the moderator's magical powers of persuasion :)

    Note: speaking of Severus Snape, I'd like to extend a public - and much belated - thank you to snapesgirl for the fantastically adorable knitted Snape she sent to me earlier this Beholder season. If I weren't technologically challenged to an alarming degree, I would have already posted photos of him in my home (Young!Snape is nestled beside a stuffed polar bear, i.e., my animagus form - and, no lie, my cat is currently kissing him as I type this. *g*), but I found photos on her journal here. Thanks so much, my dear!

    Ahem. To continue...

    Andromeda Black Tonks - 5
    Minerva McGonagall - 5
    Alastor Moody - 4
    Gregory Goyle - 4
    Millicent Bulstrode - 4
    Petunia Dursley - 4
    Viktor Krum- 4
    Abraxas Malfoy -3
    Arthur Weasley - 3
    Horace Slughorn - 3
    Percy Weasley - 3
    Vernon Dursley - 3
    Irma Pince - Only 2 (but she has seven partners in one story!)

    I'd like to close with a few thanks…first to all the participants and watchers who offered to pinch hit, I'd also like to thank the authors who graciously agreed to behind-the-scenes re-assignments when the usual unavoidable difficulties arose.

    And finally, for the fifth year, many thanks to all our wonderful participants (and their betas!) and all the folks who read stories and admired art and left feedback and made recs in their journals and who were so positive and supportive about the uncommon pairings that are at the heart of hp_beholder.

    As I mentioned in yesterday's post, this year's HP Beholder is being dedicated to Leni Jess, a much-loved member of the HP Beholder community, whose unexpected passing this week has saddened us all. Rest peacefully, Leni.

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  • master list, beholder_2012

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