May 22, 2011 13:11

With the posting of yesterday's story - "Snitch" - hp_beholder has come to an end for another year.

Artist and Author reveals will be posted next Sunday, so take advantage of the coming week to catch up on the 11 artworks and 49 stories that our wonderful, talented participants have contributed this round.


"Unspoken" (Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall "Between Headmaster Snape and his Deputy Headmistress, what is essential remains unspoken" G. )
"Brushing Her Cares Away" ( Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey . "Before a mirror" PG. )
"Collaborators" (Antonin Dolohov/Severus Snaoe, Abraxas Malfory/Severus Snape. "Antonin bonds with Abraxas' protege over the birth of new Dark Magic." )
"Beholder" ( Severus Snape/Argus Filch . G. )
"At the local watering hole" On LJ (Arthur/Molly. "Arthur showing off his terrible lion tattoo to a very amused Molly" G. )
"Skeleton in the Cupboard" On LJ (Abraxas Malfoy/Walburga Black. "Abraxas continues to court Walburga, even after death." PG.)
" One Spring Day" ; On LJ (Eileen Prince/Tobias Snape. " A photo taken on one of the spring days." G/PG.)
"Where Are You Going, My Love?" ; On LJ (Tom Riddle Sr., Merope Gaunt. "As the potion wears off, young Tom sees the girl he bedded more clearly, and is horrified. " R .)
"Early Moaning Bath" ; On LJ (Moaning Myrtle/Draco Malfoy. "He was never happy when he came to her, but Myrtle understood woe. She'd had decades of practice at it, after all. " R .)
"Awkward Situation" ; On LJ (Walden Macnair/Pansy Parkinson. "as the title suggests…" R.)


"Give Him the Good News" (Albus Dumbledore/Argus Filch. "Like many of his generation, there’s a lot more to Argus Filtch than meets the eye. Albus Dumbledore discovers that he isn’t the only man in London with a heavy conscience." G for the Art; R for the Fic. )
"Snitch" ; On LJ (Viktor Krum/???. " Thorfinn Rowle, Death Eater, is alive and dwelling in Akureyri, Iceland: Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Viktor Krum receives a mysterious letter and becomes entangled with an anonymous informant. " PG-13. Note: Image Heavy)


"Escape Routes for a Stormy Night" (Amelia Bones/Poppy Pomfrey. "The checklist for dealing with Death Eater attacks has been drilled into every Ministry employee: wand; family; escape routes." R.)
"Marriage Acts" (Abraxas/Percy, Lucius/Narcissa, implied Lucius/Severus and Severus/Krum "The passing of a marriage act gives Abraxas Malfoy the perfect opportunity to improve his family's name." NC-17 )
"Far Beyond Pearls" (Millicent Bulstrode/Pansy Parkinson. "Pansy's thoughts on her lover." PG.)
"Chronic Charm of the Grotesque" (John Dawlish/Alecto Carrow. "Dawlish finds himself compelled to renew an old acquaintanceship, and rediscovers the joy of knives." PG/PG-13.)
"Come Back To Me" (Grey Lady/Bloody Baron, Nearly Headless Nick/Fat Friar. "After the Battle of Hogwarts, the castle ghosts are in terrible pain. Convalescing, Severus thinks he might be able to help. " R. )
"The Glorious 10th of May" (Dudley Dursley/Piers Polkiss "Dudley is the Dark Lord of Romance. He'll kick seven shades of shit out of anyone who says otherwise." R.)
"What the Butler Elf Saw" (Albus Dumbledore/Filius Flitwick. "Harry and Ron didn’t discover the Hogwarts house-elves until the fourth year, but of course the elves were there all along. And they’ve seen it all." G.)
"By the Light of the Moon," (Arthur Weasley/Female Character. "When Arthur Weasley starts acting strangely after the death of his wife, his children become concerned and suspect dark magic." PG-13.)
"Reap What You Sew." (Millicent Bulstrode/Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley/Pansy Parkinson, Severus Snape/Harry Potter "When an old school nemesis re-enters Millicent’s life it gives her the opportunity to prove herself that she never thought she’d receive." PG. )
"Stargazing" ( Remus Lupin/Aurora Sinistra." Aurora and Remus stargaze amongst other things." NC-17. )
"The Ministry's Man" ( John Dawlish/Rufus Scrimgeour. "John Dawlish has spent his career in the shadows of the Ministry's greatest men. One of the only things they all have in common is that they never stay for long." PG-13. )
"What's Cooking?" (Millicent Bulstrode/Dudley Dursley. "Dudley’s gone a lot of places and done a lot of things that nobody expected him to do, but there are still surprises out there." R.)
"Principles Before Personalities" (Dudley Dursley/Harry Potter. "After being arrested and sentenced to a Community Order, Dudley finds help in unexpected places." PG-13.)
"Woman in a Green Dress" (Viktor Krum/Charlie Weasley. "Late in the war, two informants rendezvous in Bucharest. " NC-17. )
"Between Prospects" (Rita Skeeter/Mrs. Zabini; background mentions of Mrs. Zabini/Mr. Zabini and Rita/others "Rita Skeeter and Thérèsa (Thea) Zabini are the sole constants in each others' lives. No matter how much Rita sometimes wishes things were otherwise." R.)
"Black Knight Moves Forward" (Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape. "Harry The Giant Wizard Chess is meant to protect the Philosopher’s Stone. But, as Severus finds out, there’s more to it than meets the eye.." PG-13.)
"Bulgarian Wooing Practices." (Millicent Bulstrode/Viktor Krum. "Millicent Bulstrode isn't your average Auror. She manipulated her way into the Academy and now she's been sent to Bulgaria on a secret mission where she runs into a man she remembers well from fourth year at Hogwarts.." R.)
"A Very Bad Thing Indeed." (Aunt Marge/Umbridge Millicent Bulstrode/Moaning Myrtle " Just because a woman does not meet contemporary standards of beauty does not mean that she doesn’t have needs and longings. Strong women find a way to satisfy them. " R. )
"Face On by Daylight" On LJ (Minerva McGonagall / Poppy Pomfrey. "It takes more than four Stunners to the chest to take down Minerva McGonagall." PG . )
"Walking Shadow" On LJ (Hagrid/Draco, with a side of unresolved Snape/Draco. "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow…" R/NC-17. )
"From Half to Whole" On LJ (Viktor/George. "Viktor is coach of a community-league Quidditch team. George is half a person without his brother. When Ron and his friends take George to a Quidditch game. George begins to understand what’s really missing in his life" . )
"Meant to Be" On LJ (Millicent/Ron. "Millie hasn't forgotten the past." PG-13.)
"The Cat's Claws" On LJ (Umbridge/McGonagall (unrequited), McGonagall/Hooch. "You will make her pay, at last, for your flushing cheeks and sleepless nights and dreams that came to naught." R. )
"Triptych" On LJ (Eileen Prince/Tobias Snape; Eileen Prince/Sybill Trelawney. " He hadn't married the girl for love, Tobias was the first to admit it. " R. )
" Fair Is Fair, and Life Is Not (Though Tea Helps an Awful Lot)" On LJ (Filius Flitwick/Pomona Sprout. " Although their students might sometimes be oblivious to it, teachers have lives, too. Fertilized with dung and watered with tea, Filius Flitwick and Pomona Sprout cultivate a love slowly bubbling along behind the scenes. " R. )
"Time On His Side" On LJ (Viktor Krum/ Minerva McGonagall. " Minerva met Viktor when she was six and he was thirty-three. Viktor met Minerva when he was seventeen and she was sixty-nine. Somehow they make it work " R. )
"Experimental Potions" On LJ (Poppy Pomfrey/Severus Snape. "Two students are petrified and the mandrakes are months away from maturity. In the interim, Poppy and Severus work together, attempting to create an alternative draught to re-awaken them. " PG. )
"Rebuilding" On LJ (Hagrid/Aberforth, Snape/Hooch. " Two couples are brought together during the time of Hogwarts' rebuilding.. " NC-17. )
"Natural Law" On LJ (Barty Crouch Sr., Winky, Minerva/Amelia. " Winky the House-Elf ponders the nature of relationships as she observes her Master and Minerva debate the law. " PG. )
"Inauspicious" On LJ (heavily implied Regulus/Rabastan. " The Death Eaters celebrate the last Halloween before things start to go wrong. " PG . )
"The Ladies of Godric's Hollow" On LJ (Griselda Marchbanks/Bathilda Bagshot, implied background Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald. "Griselda Marchbanks and Bathilda Bagshot are two women with a dream and sound principles. However, when Bathilda's nephew pays them a visit in the summer of 1899, the question arises how to stay true to them." R. )
" The Lemniscate, or the Nature of Infinity" ; On LJ (Viktor Krum/Draco Malfoy. " The war is long over, but Draco Malfoy is still caught up in the loss of the man he only too late realised that he loved. Trying to forget, he finds himself immersed in Quidditch and sex - sex for money, that is. Not all men, however, are willing to pay..." R .)
" Fostering Witch-Muggle Understanding " ; On LJ (Hestia Jones/Petunia Dursley, background Vernon Dursley/Petunia Dursley. " One can learn a lot from a freak, Hestia Jones discovers, if one is willing to take the time to listen. " PG-13 .)
" Can't Stop (Try My Lies)" ; On LJ (Draco Malfoy/Gregory Goyle. " After the War, it's a dangerous juggling act for Greg Goyle to hold a self-destructive Draco back from the brink of disaster whilst keeping his attraction to him in check." NC-17 .)
" (Im)Proper Conduct" ; On LJ (Pomona Sprout/Irma Pince. " It is the scent of her that clings to the air: warm, and earthy; dirt and skin and the faintest sheen of prickling sweat that draws Irma back to life on this night, in this moment." PG-13 .)
" Something Less Than Something More" ; On LJ (Millicent Bulstrode/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley. " Tonight she wants to pretend the lies are true. Tonight she wants to believe that a girl like her could actually end up with the hero." NC-17.)
" Five Times Draco Malfoy Kissed Antonin Dolohov" ; On LJ (Antonin Dolohov/Draco Malfoy. " There were five notable kisses in Draco Malfoy's life before he finally got what he wanted: a bloody good shag." R.)
"Out of Order" ; On LJ (Luna Lovegood/Moaning Myrtle. " If there are two good things that have come about as a result of her mother's passing, they are her ability to see Thestrals and her healthy fascination with death." PG-13.)
" Big Girls Don't Cry" ; On LJ (Charlie Weasley/Millicent Bulstrode, Charlie/OFC, mention of past Millicent/Theodore Nott. " When Millicent Bulstrode was found guilty of colluding with known Death Eaters, she was forced to endure two years of indentured servitude at the Romanian Dragon Reserve waiting hand and foot on Charlie Weasley. It doesn't get more draconian than that." NC-17 .)
"Flooding Rains" ; On LJ (Petunia/Lily. ""They're her moments and she knows nobody else (especially not James) can ever make Lily feel that way." R.)
"The Unexpected Gift" ; On LJ (Millicent Bulstrode/Dudley Dursley. "Millicent Bustrode responds to a letter from a confused and desperate Muggle father." G .)
"Let Us Escape Our Troubles" ; On LJ (Minerva McGonagall/Augusta Longbottom. "How terribly strange to be seventy… ("Old Friends", Simon and Garfunkel)" NC-17 .)
"A String of Visions" ; On LJ (Fat Friar/OC, Fat Friar/Nearly Headless Nick, Fat Friar/Griselda Marchbanks, Fat Friar/Minerva McGonagall. "A wizard, a friar, and a ghost: a man who chooses to live on." PG-13.)
"Dolores on the Dotted Line" ; On LJ (Dolores Umbridge/Kingsley Shacklebolt, Dolores Umbridge/Rufus Scrimgeour, Dolores Umbridge/Alastor Moody. "Dolores is a little girl with a big dream. And a crush or two." R.)
"Souvenirs and Lost Luggage" ; On LJ (Petunia Dursley/OFC (pre-slash), Dudley Dursley/Piers Polkiss (established). "In 2003, Petunia leaves Little Whinging for good. It is four years before she can talk about it." PG.)
"In December as in May" ; On LJ (Mr. Ollivander/Merope Gaunt, Tom Riddle/Merope Gaunt. " Captivity leads Ollivander to re-examine the choices he’s made. " PG-13 .)
"Records are for Keeping" ; On LJ (Irma Pince/Silvanus Kettleburn. " There is no spell to account for people trying to take things from the library unnoticed. Irma sets out to fix that " PG-13.)
"The Other Side of The Coin" ; On LJ (Rufus Scrimgeour/Augustus Rookwood. " Rufus wasn't always Minister for Magic. Once upon a time, he was just a man. " R.)

Note: Please do me and your fellow community members a favor and leave a comment to this post with links to any hp_beholder ART or FIC recs you've made recently. No coding necessary: simple links to the posts in which you made the recs will do (and I'll sort out the recs later)

Thanks so much!
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