FIC: "Big Girls Don't Cry" for odogoddess

May 13, 2011 13:54

Recipient: odogoddess
Author: ragdoll
Title: Big Girls Don't Cry
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Charlie Weasley/Millicent Bulstrode, Charlie/OFC, mention of past Millicent/Theodore Nott
Word Count: ~11,000
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *forced bondage, hurt/comfort, verbal humiliation by OCs, frottage, hand-jobs*.
Summary:When Millicent Bulstrode was found guilty of colluding with known Death Eaters, she was forced to endure two years of indentured servitude at the Romanian Dragon Reserve waiting hand and foot on Charlie Weasley. It doesn't get more draconian than that.
Author's Notes: odogoddess, I was elated when I got your assignment and tried to give you as many things that you loved as I could. This was not even close to what I had originally planned on writing for you (or who!) but these two shouted the loudest and made their demands known. I certainly had fun giving in to them. I hope you enjoy it and will forgive me for the lack of Snapeness.

Thanks to R. for all of her support and nurturing, as well as K and S for betaing and cheerleading, and of course bethbethbeth for being so patient and understanding.

"Big Girls Don't Cry"

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charlie weasley, charlie/millicent, fic, beholder_2011, het, millicent bulstrode, rating:nc17, charlie/ofc

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