FIC: "Come Back To Me" for sealcat

Apr 10, 2011 15:35

Recipient: sealcat
Author/Artist: purplefluffycat
Title: Come Back To Me
Rating: R
Pairings: Grey Lady/Bloody Baron, Nearly Headless Nick/Fat Friar
Word Count: About 11,200
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *As the main characters are ghosts, their deaths - in the literal sense - are a part of the story. The tale does not feature 'character death' in the manner that fic-readers/-writers usually use this term, however; the characters are still very much in existence after they cease being mortal. I hope that this makes sense, and is ok with you, sealcat :-) <*.

Summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, the castle ghosts are in terrible pain. Convalescing, Severus thinks he might be able to help.

A tale of now, and of centuries past - for to go onward, sometimes one must be forced to look back.

Author's/Artist's Notes: Thank you very much, sealcat, for the opportunity to explore the ghostly characters, and all it means to be a ghost in the world of Harry Potter; I do hope you like the result :-) Also many thanks to bethbethbeth for once again running this most excellent of fests!

"Come Back To Me"

bloody baron, beholder_2011, grey lady, slash, het, nearly headless nick, nick/friar, fat friar, grey_lady/baron, rating:r

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