FIC: "A Slytherin Fairytale" for trickofthedark

May 05, 2009 11:56

Recipient: trickofthedark
Author: cat_goddess
Title: A Slytherin Fairytale
Rating: PG
Pairings: Millicent Bulstrode/Gregory Goyle
Word Count: 1,186
Warnings: No real warnings. This is kind of fluffy.
Summary: Love is found in the most unexpected places, at the most unexpected times. Gregory and Millicent find out that gala balls aren't always boring.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Thank you, to our lovely mod for her understanding and giving me the extension. Trickofthedark, I hope you like this, even though it is short, and fluffy. I couldn't get into the frame of mind to write anything heavier than


"So, mother, how did you and father finally get together?" Elizabeth Goyle asked one night while they were having dinner.

"Yes, tell us the story," Amelia chimed in after her older sister.

Millicent smiled over at Gregory. "Do you want to tell this or do you want me to?"

Greg looked at his wife. "You always tell it better than I do," he replied. "I should tell you girls that your mother was quite a wild woman before we got together. nothing like what a proper pureblood lady should be."

"What did she do, father?" Elizabeth asked.

"I might tell you when you are older, Elizabeth." Millicent smiled at her children. "You don't need to know, and the more you ask questions, the less time I have for the story," she added. "

"It started one night at one of your grandmother's galas."

Millicent Bulstrode sat on one of the divans in the corner of the ballroom, a champagne glass in her hand, looking utterly bored. She really did not want to be there, but she had no choice. This was her mother's gala, and the woman had pointed out that perhaps she might be able to catch a suitor, finally.

She would have much rather been working, or out at the clubs instead of sitting in a hot, stuffy ballroom, dressed up in silks and diamonds, looking the part of a socialite, listening to Pansy whine and complain about how Draco was engaged to Astoria Greengrass, and Daphne was dating Theodore and there was no one for her. Cry me a fucking river, Pansy, she thought as she fought the urge to roll her eyes. Pansy could have any young man she wanted, and she knew it. Even though Millicent had grown into her body and was actually a rather stunning young woman, there were very few guys who paid her any mind. She wasn't the ideal socialite. She preferred talking books and culture and current events. Most guys wanted to be fawned over. They wanted trophies, nothing more.

She surveyed the room. Draco and his fiancée were twirling around the dance floor, the center of attention, per usual. The orchestra was set up to her left, and in the other far corner, a group of old biddies were gossiping about everyone, including her probably, which would result in a lecture from her mother after this thing was over. It happened all the time.

"Are you listening to what I'm saying Millie?" Pansy broke her out of her thoughts.

"What? Are you still sulking over Malfoy?" Millicent looked over at her friend. "I'd just give up, Pansy, there is a group of guys over there who are looking at us, probably more at you most likely.

"That's what I was trying to tell you, Millicent. They are looking at you as well!"

Gregory Goyle had been dreading this gala, the same way he dreaded every other gala. He was not good at dancing, and none of the pretty girls who normally attended these things wanted anything to do with him. It didn't bother him.much. He knew he wasn't as good looking or as well connected as some of his friends, and most of these girls were only in it for the money or the prestige. Sure, he was a bit lonely, but that is what one-nighters were for. He was too young to settle down, despite what his mother said.

He stayed with a few of his former classmates by the punchbowl, muttering about what a showoff Malfoy was, and rating the "assets" of the various girls who were in attendance. It was an enjoyable pastime at least at first, but as the night dragged on, it became monotonous and dull. As the girls became intoxicated they became less interesting.

He wasn't sure who had noticed the two girls first. Pucey, possibly or maybe Flint, but once he turned to see who his friends were staring at, he couldn't stop staring. They were all talking about Pansy and who would ask her to dance first. He wasn't interested in Pansy though. He was staring at Millicent. She cleaned up rather nicely, he noted. No, better than that, she looked absolutely stunning.

He smiled to himself as something in him started listing all her good qualities. She was honest, loyal, a good friend. She was one of the smartest girls in Slytherin in their Hogwart's years, she packed a mean right hook, and if she shagged him, he wouldn't have to worry about crushing her. She was sturdy and solid. She probably wouldn't play games either. That was a plus. Her family was as old as the Malfoys, which would please his mother, too.

"So, Goyle," Pucey said, elbowing him, "you are staring at Bulstrode," he said with a laugh. "I gotta admit though, she does look nice tonight, I don't blame you. Probably good in the sack too."

Greg looked at him for a moment. "Unlike you, Pucey, I don't have sex on the brain." He laughed. "Go follow Flint and fight with him over Parkinson, I'm sure she'd love it." He smirked and watched as his mates walked towards the two women. He was hoping that one of the guys would take Pansy elsewhere and leave Millicent alone on the divan. She really did look like a goddess to him at that moment.

Luck was with him because after another five or ten minutes, Pansy got up and went with both Pucey and Flint, leaving Millicent to herself.

Millicent smiled as the two boys made their way over and greeted her politely enough, and made small talk before turning their attention to Pansy. Quite frankly, Millicent was glad to be rid of her for a bit. It would give her a chance to sit and watch the goings on in peace.

She wasn't expecting Gregory Goyle to sit down next to her, let alone start chatting with her. But time seemed to go by rather quickly as the two chatted and Millicent found that she was having a lovely time.

At some point during their conversation they had left the divan and were out on the balcony overlooking the gardens. It was at this point that Gregory realized that he was falling for, or had fallen for Millicent. She was the perfect counterpoint to him. From the balcony they had found a dark secluded room, somewhere in the back of the manor and were not seen for the rest of the night.

Their families rejoiced, but for different reasons. Violetta Bulstrode was just glad that her daughter found someone. Rebecca Goyle was pleased that Greg was marrying into an old family and could bring respect back to their family name.

"It was a grand wedding," Millicent said as she pointed to the huge portrait on the wall. "We were very happy. Several years later, we had the two of you. You know what happened after that?"

"What, mother?"

"We lived happily ever after."

Greg smiled and kissed his wife's cheek. "Yes, we did. Although," he whispered to his wife, "Pucey was right about you being good in the sack."

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beholder 2009, fic, gregory goyle, het, millicent bulstrode

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