Goodness, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? I'd get into my laundry list of reasons why I've (regrettably) allowed this community to fall by the wayside, but I wouldn't want to bore or annoy you poor people. Suffice to say, I'm very sorry to have let things go for so long. I will say that it took me longer than I had hoped to locate interested members in passing on moderation of the community, but fortunately I think I now have at least two people who I would feel comfortable handing the reins over to.
(On that note, this is basically my final time asking, just to be sure:
beauty_untold and
lelymarques, if you are in fact definitely still interested in taking over, please comment on this post to let me know. I'd be more than happy to assign the two of your as co-moderators.)
Since it's been ages since our last poll, this one once again (a) is huge, and (b) had to be split up into a few parts so LJ wouldn't freak out on me. Please remember to take the time to vote in all three of them! An yeah, I realize it's not a Friday, but I figure it's been so long I may as well give you guys a bit more time to get your votes in and get back in the groove.
Poll 'The HPIA's: Voting - Session 93A Poll 'The HPIA's: Voting - Session 93B Poll 'The HPIA's: Voting - Session 93C Once again, thank you very much to all of you for your infinite patience with me. If things (finally) go according to plan, this -- and my post of the winners at the end of this weekend -- will likely be my final times posting here as a moderator. I've been a co-moderator (and then, for well over a year now, the one and only moderator) at this community for going on four years now. A little crazy, but I did enjoy myself; I'll be sticking around in the periphery to make sure the transition goes smoothly and any questions the new mods might have can be properly addressed. It's been a fun ride, I've been happy to host all of you, and I hope this community continues to flourish. Peace out! :)