Title: Accio Stone
(1) James, Sirius, and Remus cannot be evil;
(2) the Potters don't die;
(3) Harry's school years (but focused on the adults, not the kids)
(4) No sexual violence
Summary: This is what might happen if Lily and James Potter had survived Voldemort's final attack, if Harry grew up in a close-knit
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*runs around madly in circles*
OH MERCY OF HEAVEN ON A TRISCUIT this was WONDERFUL! This is like an enormous package of Potter love tied with a BIG FAT BOW of vibrating joy.
You can plot baby. I havenae a plot to my name, no ability, no talent, and so THIS? This is fourteen levels of unadulterated crack for me because of all the threads! The backstory and the weaving in and out of shreds of canon! The utterly plausible unfolding of their lives! Finding out why Lily remembered nothing for so long -- oh dear god, I was wide-mouthed with admiration and horror.
Remus and Sirius' conversation, Remus soothing Sirius and assuring him he's not to blame -- that just cracked my heart. James barely breathing -- owwww (so good!) DAISY POTTER . . . oh the idea that there would have been more children! Sirius with the KIDS! The winking!! Ye gods, the winking, and the dragon story, and the flying into danger, and the bikes, and the tickling Remus' feet.
And! One of my favorite Monty Python lines ever? You win ALL THE PRIZES.
I am incoherent. It's 1.40am and I'm babbling insanely, but that's because I cannot BEGIN to sum up my LOVE!
*tackles you and the fic and smothers you both with love*
And Daisy: She might be my most favouritest OC *ever* Just imagine if Lily and James had had other children... It makes me all sad and tingly.
I ended up cutting the scenes written from her POV, but I ADORE getting into her head: The girl that Padfoot and Prongs raised. She has this wonderful memory. Every year since she was born, a few weeks before her brother's birthday, she watches her mum pack a huge basket of sweets and presents to send anonymously, by Muggle post, to a boy called Dudley Dursley. Vernon has remarried and wants nothing to do with Lily and her brood, but she always finds a way to get the present to Dudley, regardless.
Heh. And you can credit John Hannah for the Monty Python reference; I had just finished watching Sliding Doors when I worte this ending, and yeah. I mean, not that I wouldn't have added one anyway, but it would most likely have to do with Sirius banging coconuts while he rode his broomstick around the yard.
And: I havenae a plot to my name... well, but you have Beautiful.
So . . . let me try and remember everything I said.
I quoted that part back at you because I love the idea of a girl running around, bearing all the mischievious potential of her father and his best friend. It delights me -- oh dear god, and the very idea of Sirius and James with a little girl . . . rides on shoulders and kicking a football around in the back garden . . .
I love that you have such a feel for the nuances of character -- that you can clearly delineate James and Sirius as best friends without detratcting from the special relationship between Sirius and Remus or between Remus and James.
I also . . . oh, the idea of poor Moony and Padfoot, who've raised Harry for five years, having to move away (even if it is just down the road). My heart!
And I love the Dudley backstory! You should post the deleted scenes in your journal so that we can have more more MORE I say of Daisy Potter and her mother :)
Hehe. I'm taking a break from writing non-academics for a few days to let my brain fizzle and sputter. Art, I think, is the next challenge. Am working on Sirius: The Downward Doggie for you (and EW! that was so not sexual. shuttup!)
hehee. I want heaven on a triscuit...
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