Due to my love for things-that-never-were, not-even-in-fictional-stories-based-on-fiction, I have (quite arbitrarily) decided that I should be holding an AU ficathon. Well, here it is.
the au
Alternative-Universe, or simply AU, is a story that deviates (usually significantly) from a fandom canon deliberately. For example, if one was to write a fic in which Remus was the Secret Keeper and thus the traitor, that fic would be an AU. Or if Tom Riddle was born in Russia instead of England during the Age of Anxiety, &c. So in sum, AU fic is kind of like the answer to an "what-if" question.
Very Midsummer Madness by George Pushdragon,
the shortening days of winter by pogrebin, &
and yes by Allecto.
the ficathon
a. During the sign-up stage, participants post their requests/restrictions on a sign-up form.
b. I take the sign-ups and assign each writer to a recipient, who will in turn write a story for another recipient.
c. I send requests to the writers via email, and then we write stories;
d. Email your stories to
losselen at communication-breakdown dot net in plain text form. I will email the writers the details and the appropriate headings. ETA: I eventually decided that it'll be easier for everyone if writers will just post their stories in the community.
the rules
a. All categories (pairing-wise) are allowed; i.e. there can be slash or het or gen or any combination thereof.
b. Please try to write within the request/restrictions set by the recipient.
c. Given some marginal differences, please try to write a minimum of 800 words. There is no maximum length.
d. Try to finish stories on time, although deadline extentions could be given.
e. If you cannot write the story, please contact me.
f. Please do not reveal your recipient until the end of the fication.
g. Please refrain from posting your story on your journal, website, other archives and lists until one week after all stories are posted.
NOTE: It has come to my attention that some people might think of this as a Bring Black Back thing, but it's not dedicated at all to resurrecting Sirius Black. However, that does not mean that there cannot be requests about an AU in which Black did not die.
the directions
The sign-up form will be explained in the following:
Name: A name you're comfortable with.
lj Name: The name of your journal. (You're still welcome if you don't have a livejournal.)
Willing to be a back-up? (y/n) To assent to write a back-up fic for any dropout writers.
Requesting your fic
3 required requests/restrictions: Three things that has to be or cannot be in your story. This could be a situation, a time period, a character, a genre, a pairing, or potentially anything.
1 optional requests/restrictions: One additional thing that you might want to be included in your story. The author does not have to follow this necessarily.
Maximum rating (receive): G through NC-17
Writing a fic for someone
3 things you do not want to write: Three things do not want to write
Maximum rating (write): The highest rating that you're willing to write.
Here's a sample form:
Name: Losselen
lj name:
losselenEmail: losselen at communication-breakdown dot net
Back-up writer (y/n): No
3 required request/restrictions: Tom Riddle as a communist revolutionary, modernism, Zaum poetry (Er...not really. I don't think a lot of people will write that.)
1 optional request/restrictions: n/a
Maximum rating (receive): R
3 things I can't write: Fluff, Sirius-Black-isn't dead-after-all! & chan
Maximum rating (write): R
the dates
Sign-up opens: January 8
Sign-up closes: February 28
Assignment sent: March 1
Stories due: May 30
Stories posted: June 1
Stories allowed to be posted elsewhere: June 8
the form
Copy and paste this form into the comment section and fill it out to sign up.
lj name:
Willing to be a back-up? (y/n)
3 required request/restrictions:
1 optional request/restrictions:
Maximum rating (receive):
3 things you can't write:
Maximum rating (write):