Paypal Update Screenshoot + Thank yous + Pinch Hitting

Feb 24, 2011 15:18

Wow, so this is a bit overdue, but here is the total amount as of last Sunday. There is more now and I'll try to actually get the amounts posted on time.

Now an explanation on the what you see here:
As you can see I did actually send money out ($30.45), but as you can also see it is the exact amount of money that was put into the account at an earlier date. What happened was that the incorrect amount of money to the paypal account and then another payment of the correct amount was sent. This meant that the person had overpaid by the original amount. In order to fix the error I sent the exact amount of cash that paypal accepted back to them (they are actually 1.75 short, due to paypal fees, which I'll reimburse from my personal funds of the person so wishes).
So the money still has not been spent on anything, it was just returned to the person to whom it needed to be returned.

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to raise them. As I said I want to be as open as humanly possible about this.

Other than that, Pinch Hitter information went out this morning.
Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered, I had a huge response!
I sent an e-mail out only to those who volunteered stating who got which chapter.

While I wait on the Pinch Hitter art I will continue formatting the art I do have in order to be printed in the book. As I complete them, I will be sending the formatted art to each of you for final approval.

pinch hitters, paypal record

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