
Oct 23, 2014 22:47

Name: kisslicknipsuck
Age: 23
Location: Ohio, US
What's in your journal: Mixture of fanfic and personal entries. Although, admittedly, I don't post very often. I've been trying to be better at updating my journal...
What rating is your journal: NC-17, mostly because of the fanfic^///^
Favourite HP character(s): Severus♥, Harry, Draco, Hermione, Luna, Remus
Interests/Hobbies outside of fandom: reading, tv/movies, arts and crafts (especially knitting and scrapbooking), music, video games (despite the fact that I'm terrible at actually finishing any:'D), and my boyfriend has recently gotten me into American comics
Friending policy: I don't really have a policy. I'll friend anyone who posts in English and seems to post new entries more than once a year. Honestly, even if we don't have a lot in common, I'll probably still accept your friend request. I like meeting new people:)
Hogwarts house: Slytherin. Always.
Familiar: Owl. There's just something about a large bird of prey that piques my interest. It might be because they're also called raptors, and that word makes one think of all kinds of awesome things, but whatever. Owls are cool.
Favourite Hogwarts class: Potions. I feel like I'd be good at Potions.
Favourite pairing(s): Snarry first and foremost. But also, Harry/Draco, Severus/Draco, Severus/Hermione, Harry/Draco/Severus, Harry/Hermione/Severus, Harry/Hermione, Remus/Harry, Harry/Luna, Draco/Hermione, Draco/Luna, Neville/Draco, James/Severus, Severus/Remus, and also a strange fondness for Charlie/Draco that I don't understand because I've never really cared one way or another about Charlie Weasley.
What you do in fandom: Mostly lurk, honestly, but I also write fic. I try to comment when I read fic. Occasionally, when I'm not too busy with college, I will participate in fests. I'm sad I missed hd_owlpost this year:( I also beta sometimes.
What you can offer to friends: Unfortunately, not much:'D I post irregularly since I fall in and out of fandom because of college, and that generally effects my ability to read and comment on other peoples' posts. But I do try. I enjoy getting to know new people, so I like conversations when they arise. Also, again, I beta sometimes.
How long you've been in fandom: I don't even know anymore...
Other fandoms you like: Merlin, Sherlock, Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Leverage, The Big Bang Theory...and others, but I don't really follow the fandoms--except for Merlin. I check Merlin every once in a while.
Other comms you like: snape_potter, hd_owlpost, hprarepairs, snarry100
Anything else you'd like to share: Let's all be friends!:D

i read, ship: harry/luna, -slash, i lurk, ship: harry/draco/severus, ship: harry/severus, i beta, ship: draco/hermione, age: 18+, ship: draco/severus, i cheer, ship: severus/remus, -marauders, ship: harry/hermione/draco, ship: harry/draco, ship: hermione/severus, -threesomes

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