Josephine Stone

Oct 14, 2014 02:44

Name: josephinestone
Age: 30
Location: KC, MO, USA
What's in your journal: Mostly my fan fiction and fest pimping banners.
What rating is your journal: NC-17
Favourite HP character(s): Draco Malfoy
Interests/Hobbies outside of fandom: Writing and is pretty much my life outside of my family.
Friending policy: I friend everyone who friends me.
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
Familiar: Owl, toad or cat? Cat
Favourite Hogwarts class:
Favourite pairing(s): Harry/Draco (OTP), Albus/Scorpius, Neville/Pansy, Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Blaise, Ginny/Luna, Ginny/Tonks, Pince/Hooch, James/Sirius, and various other femmeslash pairings
What you do in fandom: Write
What you can offer to friends: Um? Stories.
How long you've been in fandom: 2009
Other fandoms you like: A Separate Peace; At Swim, Two Boys
Other comms you like: hd-writerscrack-broom, hogwarts365, hpsapphicappeal, hp20in20, hp-betas, my-drarry-recs, potterfests, the-ass-ship

i read, -slash, ship: james/sirius, i discuss, ship: rare pairs, -nextgen, ship: albus/scorpius, ship: albus/gellert, i write, +hufflepuff, ship: harry/draco, ship: ron/hermione, i beta, age: 18+

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