Name: Gamma in general, though I occasionally go by my real name (Lorraine)
Age: Legally able to watch porn - and that's what's important, right?
Location: Alberta, Canada
What's in your journal: Fanfiction (lots of it). Endless to-do lists, memes, rants, the occasional fanmix or small batch of not-very-good icons, fandom and fest-related stuff... and whatever else I feel like throwing in there.
What rating is your journal: Non-fic is mostly rated PG-13, but some of the fic can go up to NC-17... actually, is there a rating higher than NC-17?
Favourite character(s): Bellatrix Lestrange, Lily Evans, Luna Lovegood, the Dark Lord, Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Cassiopeia Black, Lily Luna Potter... honestly, I can find something to love - or at least be interested in - about almost everyone.
Interests outside of fandom: There's a world outside fandom? o_O *Cough* I write original fiction, I knit, I run a blog snarking 50 Shades of Grey, I fantasize abut living in Victorian England...
Friending policy: I'll friend anyone who shares anything resembling a common interest with me - being in the HP fandom is pretty much enough :D I love getting to know people.
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, though Pottermore put me in Slytherin...
Familiar: An owl - a serviceable animal. Though I wouldn't mind having a toad...
Favourite Hogwarts class: History of Magic, seriously... I don't care how boring Professor Binns might be, History of Magic would be an amazing class.
Favourite pairing(s): Bellatrix/Voldemort is my first love (it was the first pairing I ever shipped and it will remain in my heart forever). Draco/Luna is the only couple I don't ever split up (though I put them in threesomes quite willingly and certainly won't hate you if you do split them up ;) ). Bellatrix/Lily is my guilty pleasure. Aside from that, I ship Narcissa/Lily, Narcissa/Rodolphus, Andromeda/Rabastan, Rodolphus/Rabastan, Lucius/Alice, Lucius/peacock, Bellatrix/Rodolphus (unrequited mostly), Lily Luna/Scorpius, Lily Luna/Rose, Dudley/Pansy... the list goes on. I like mostly like het and femmeslash (because of my adoration for female characters) and only dabble in a few male!slash pairings, but I'll give almost anything a shot at least once.
What you do in fandom: Write fic, primarily. I also run a handful of fledgeling comms (
hp_girls_100 and
luna_romance), write the occasional piece of meta, come up with elaborate head!canon, join fests, encourage people to join fests, convert people to weird pairings, make art and graphics of questionable quality, comment, lurk... I do a bit of everything x)
What you can offer to friends: Besides my wonderful friendship? Comments, sympathy, cheerleading, rush beta jobs and gift!fics :)
How long you've been in fandom: I only got into the online fandom a little over a year ago, but I've been a devoted fan of the books since I was in elementary school. Early elementary school.
Other fandoms you like: The Crucible (Arthur Miller) is my present obsession... though I'm not sure that it exactly has a fandom :P But it should. I ship John/Abigail. *Ahem* I also like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I dabble in Twilight at times (Parody and Victoria!fic - I stay far away from Bella and Edward).
Other comms you like: I really love
rarepair_shorts, but I've yet to come across a fest, writing challenge or big bang that I didn't adore.
Anything else you'd like to mention: I'm a pretty lighthearted, easygoing person in general... I don't get upset easily, so don't expect my journal to be full of RL-related angst (there is a good bit of angsty fic, though - I have a tendency to torture my characters :P ). Do expect it to be full of shiny fandom things and the occasional bout of over-the-top (hopefully entertaining) ranting at EL James (I have a personal vendetta against her).