Many HP and fandom-wide 'add me' communities have come and gone! So far, we have had a great response to
hp_add_me! But if we are going to continue to grow and remain active we need your help!
Here are some ways to get the most out of
- Fill out the form and post your introduction to the community!
- If you like the community, please
pimp us!
- Scroll through the previous intros to find friends with similar interests!
- If you want to get to know someone or add them, please comment on their post!
- Use our tags to search out new friends!
- If it has been at least six months since your last intro post, feel free to post a re-introduction to the community in search of more friends!
- If you've posted an intro or re-intro please
pimp us!
- If you have an active friending meme or community you may advertise it here in exchange for a mention in your community/journal!
Thanks again for supporting