Wanted: Friends

Sep 11, 2011 10:42

Name: Alice
Age: 17
Location: USA, East Coast
What's in your journal: Random thoughts, a lot of things about various fandoms, occasional real life updates
What rating is your journal: Uh, I didn't really rate it according to LJ, but I guess I have a tendency to drop swear words and the f-bomb, and also I have crude humor? Heh.
Favourite HP character(s): SIRIUS ♥ But I love them all. Seriously. Every single one of them. Yes, including Umbridge and Vernon.
Interests/Hobbies outside of fandom: I fic so much it's a bit unhealthy. Occasionally I make graphics. ... wait, this is supposed to be outside of fandom - then, er, still writing, crocheting, watching movies, baking really badly, video games!
Friending policy: I like lasting friendships.
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw!
Familiar: Owl :D
Favourite Hogwarts class: Charms
Favourite pairing(s): AS/S... also, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Draco, Sirius/Luna, Blaise/Zacharias, RON/HERMIONE, Harry/Ron, H/R/Hr friendship, House Unity! \o/, Prongs/Lily, James/Teddy, Blaise/Ginny, Prongs/Padfoot, Arthur/Molly Padfoot/Moony, Snape/nobody, Dumbledore/Grindelwald, but I really like a lot of pairings. Er, except for Snarry, Snape/Hermione, Hermione/old dudes and the Malfoys. I used to dislike Harry/Hermione a lot but now I'm actually starting to warm up to it... not too much though xD
(Draco/Regulus is my secret ship, shhhh)
What you do in fandom: Write fic! And comment. And fangirl.
What you can offer to friends: Someone to talk to~ Uh, entertainment? XD
How long you've been in fandom: HP fandom? Um, I've been reading Harry Potter since I was 8 and read OC fic when I was 11, but got into the deeper parts of fandom this year. I've overindulged myself in H/D though, to make up for it... like seriously. Overindulged.
Other fandoms you like: KPop (Super Junior ♥), Merlin, South Park, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Pokemon. Are the fandoms I'm most active in right now. I love loads of things, though.
Other comms you like: ... I like comms in general! \o/
Anything else you'd like to share: I love everyone and everything! Well, almost everything, except for the Twilight series, Taylor Swift's voice (she's a lovely person, really), Owl City's voice (he's a good person too), Zutara, Kyumin, those Hermione pairings I listed above and murderers.

i read, -slash, ship: remus/tonks, i discuss, ship: rare pairs, ship: sirius/remus, ship: harry/ron, ship: albus/scorpius, ship: ron/hermione, ship: james/sirius, ship: harry/ginny, -het, -nextgen, i squee, -marauders, +ravenclaw, age: under 18, i write, ship: harry/draco

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