Last time on madlibs!
It seems things are tense in the Team ABSOLUTE VICTORY BIYATCHES (abbreviated AVB) locker room. Can Selphie and Galuf, with the aid of one mighty fine toaster, DO THIS?! I have no damn clue, you tell me.
How this works:
1. Fill in the blanks! "character" can be any FF char btw
2. If there are multiple suggestions I'm not sure how I will choose--it will be a giant surprise! Or something. I will probably go by what seems the most lulzy cause I'm a sellout like that.
3. I will post the altered image and you will get for your wonderful participation....a follow-up scene, dun dun DUNNN!
4. No, this thing has no story, I am making this up as we go so if you say elephants there will probably be elephants.
I drew that in five minutes, I'm not sure if I should be proud or horrified.