PS/SS Chapter Thirteen Nicolas Flamel

Feb 20, 2007 22:10

Since yesterday's entry was so horribly late, I'll put this one up a bit early.

If you're done with your chocolate frog, then it's time for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone Chapter Thirteen Nicolas FlamelDid the name ring a bell for you? Did you finish a Quidditch match in five minutes? No? Well, then let's discuss Harry's ( Read more... )

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PS:13 - Bloomsbury 1997 (paperback) - 2 pica_scribit February 23 2007, 06:43:42 UTC
9) Harry thinks Snape is following him, trying to catch him alone. Why would Snape be doing this, unless it is to warn him about Quirrell? But then, why would Snape think Quirrell is trying to harm Harry if, as he claims at the beginning of HBP, he thought Quirrell just wanted the stone? The stone is nothing to do with Harry. I put it to you that Snape is fully aware of Quirrell's reasons for wanting the stone. He lied to Bellatrix and Narcissa, and I think his actions in this book prove it. What does that say about his loyalties?

10) "He sometimes had the horrible feeling that Snape could read minds." BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Sorry; that always gets me.

11) Neville is confused that Ron and Hermione should bring their wands to the quidditch match. Surely witches and wizards take their wands with them wherever they go? Hermione had hers at the last match or she couldn't have set fire to Snape. Unless this just means Neville is surprised to see they have their wands out during the game.

12) Ron and Hermione practiced jinxes in secret. Why wouldn't they tell Harry about this? Surely it would only serve to make him feel more calm about the quidditch match, knowing that his friends were prepared and were looking out for him.

13) The whole school turns out for the quidditch match. This seems to surprised the Gryffindor team. Doesn't the whole school normally turn up? And they seem extra surprised that Dumbledore is there. Dumbledore must not be a quidditch fan. And yet, he always seems to be at the matches when Harry is in danger.

14) Harry's faith in Dumbledore. This is the first time we see Harry's absolute faith in Dumbledore manifest. If Dumbledore is there, nothing bad can happen. Did their little talk about the mirror really inspire that level of confidence?

15) Alternate point of view. Once again, we get a point of view shift for the Quidditch match. This time so we can see a fight between Ron and Neville vs. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle? Granted, I really love that we finally get to see Neville's Gryffindore side shine through, but it doesn't seem like good cause for a POV change. Unless something about this scene is really important?

16) Throwing a bone to the Harry/Hermione 'shippers. During the quidditch match and fist fight, Hermione is watching Harry rather than Ron. Granted, Ron's life is probably not actually in peril.

17) Quidditch is boring. Again. Yay for short quidditch scenes!

18) Harry keeps his broom in the broomshed. If I had an expensive racing broom which I used to play a highly competitive sport, I think I'd keep it in my room where it wouldn't get stolen or damaged or jinxed.

19) Why does Snape not tell Dumbledore that Quirrell is trying to steal the stone? Even if Snape doesn't suspect Voldemort's involvement (which I firmly believe he does), surely any attempt to steal this priceless item should be reported to Dumbledore at once. I think this is the first evidence we have of of the fine line Snape treads. He knows Voldemort is involved, but if he pretends he doesn't, then he can try to stop him without looking disloyal later on.

And now I have to go to bed again. I swear I'll get caught up before the book is over!


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