Goodbye my beloved, beautiful boy...

Jul 04, 2013 01:16

Today was a very bad day.

VERY bad.

If you've been on Facebook, and we are friends, you know this, but I want the whole story here.

For the past week, my mom had noticed that Min (my longhaired black cat) wasn't least not when she fed the monsters in the morning. Also, there was several episodes of cleaning up icky spots on the carpet. Min had always been a little sensitive of stomach. Changing foods on him usually caused ick spots. But our concern grew when he was puking up bile. I called the vet yesterday and we scheduled an appointment for him for today. We thought he might have a hairball, or perhaps an icky tummy.

This morning started out bad. I overslept, by quite a bit. And as I was rushing to get ready, Mom was there. She was upset. She had taken Min this morning...and they kept him. Said he was dehydrated, that he had lost 2 lbs in the month since I brought him in for the other incident....and they found something. Initially we were told it was some kind of intestinal blockage. Which freaked me out because the cats are already on prescription cat food for urinary issues (thanks to George). We were told to have hope, they would do exploratory surgery and call us.

Before I left, I told mom that I trusted her to make the decision, but to call me. All morning I was scattered. Not only because I was late to work by about 5 minutes, but also, my cat is at the vet, and I didn't know what would happen. Mom text me at 10:30 to say they were giving him fluids and that they would be doing the surgery around noon.

At 12:45, I text mom to see if she had heard anything...and she must have just gotten off the phone with them. She said they found something....and it wasn't good. It was cancer...and it was bad....all over. I told mom we had to let him go (while trying to hold myself together at work). She said she already had told them that. That they didn't even wake him from the surgery.

I immediately broke down. I know my coworkers knew something was wrong...because I don't do that at work. I called my boss (who was downstairs) and told her I had to leave. I was shaking so bad. One of my coworkers gave me a hug...which I really needed... and walked me out so I didn't have to explain to anyone else. As I walked to my car, I started texting everyone I knew who would care. The drive home was tricky as I was crying most of the way while trying not to look at my phone as friends started texting back

I came home and cried for a long time. I gave myself a headache from it. And the messages of love from my friends reminded me that I have some very good friends.

In my head, I know he went peacefully. And I know that there was no way I could have known or done anything...  But my heart is shredded.

Min was my boy. Such a handsome, regal boy. For years, we called him Grumpy Old Man, because he didn't tolerate Trip (the dog) well during her puppy phase. But as he grew with us, he became the most laid back cat. Sure, he didn't like brushings, especially when he had knots. But boy, did he love his olives...and catnip. And he talked to me. He wasn't a lap cat until the last year or so, and never for long, but he loved head pets. Frequently, he was the one who always had to accompany me to the bathroom because he wanted a drink from the faucet. He answered to many things....Min, Minminmin, Mr. Min, Min-son, Minny, and Buddy.

I remember giving him a quick cuddle last night and reminding him that his name was Minimum Trouble for a reason. I guess he told me that today by making our end quick, though not painless.

I know I will cry myself to sleep tonight...I know I will likely dream of him. I hope he knows how much I loved him. How much I fell in love with him at first sight. (I had a choice between him or a tortie from the same litter when I got him. I didn't know he was a boy and really hoped he was a girl, but I never regretted picking him.)

Mom and I were both a mess tonight. I had text my dad about it and he didn't get back to me for HOURS...then he called me. And while I think he was sincere in his condolences, he pissed me off, right proper, by asking the following question: "Do I have to do anything?" Not the "how can I help..." that I got from so how does this affect HIM. Jesus, Dad, I'm crying over the loss of my PET! I don't want anything from you.

I guess the good part out of this is I have the next week and a half off. So I have time to come to terms with it, without being around people who will ask too many questions.

Min, I will always remember the story of how you came into our lives. I will remember how you never turned down an olive. I will remember the nights I slept on the couch when all the crazy ex-boyfriend stuff was going on, and I'd wake to find you pacing nearby, as if you were guarding me. I will remember how I moved you through 3 homes and you never minded...except the car ride. I will remember how you would trill at me when I called your name. I will remember how I got the scar on my finger the time I tried to brush you and you made it clear that you didn't like it. I will remember you, my handsome little man. I love you. Be at peace. Be happy

Nov 2001 - Jul 2013
I think I'm the 9th or 10th person I know that's lost a cat this year. Can we please be done now?

min, death, loss, cats

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