Question of the day: When you are getting dressed for the day, do you tend to dress in a certain order? (No, I'm not asking HOW you get dressed, or anything creepy like that...just if you have particular order for putting on your clothes...)
I do. I'm not going to say what order I do it in, just that I almost always put clothes on in the same order...(re: mostly it looks like a bad flight of the bumblebee dance).
In other non-random news...I went to see HP 7:2 again today (round 4). I went with a coworker of mine as a gift for her birthday last month. And believe it or not, there was a MOTHER in the theater, one row up repeatedly checking her phone for texts. At one point during the previews, she even took an extended phone call (read: probably only a couple of minutes but we were already 5 previews into the list). I mean, really? I don't like it when anyone does it, but really a GROWN woman who judging by the passel of kids she brought with her and all the snacks they bought probably spent $100 to see the movie, and she couldn't leave her phone alone for 2 hours. Hell, I'm attached to my phone like you wouldn't believe, but my damn phone goes OFF when the previews start. At one point about 15 min into the movie, she was playing with her phone when my coworker made a slightly louder than polite comment about the brightness of the woman's phone. (it was glaring off my glasses)....I think she got the hint.
In other crafty news, I found more paper in my room today, so I will be doing some more paper folding! Not origami...just boxes and envelopes. but it's fun!!!
For the record, if you saw my Random is Random yesterday, my answer is that I'm a lefty...and I cut counter-clockwise. In hindsight I suppose we all do, as that's the only way you can see if you are cutting where you are supposed to...but last night I was cutting down another template and for kicks and giggles tried cutting clockwise. SO not fun. Also, I cut right-handed because I simply have yet to find a decent pair of left-handed scissors that aren't made for kids and that actually CUT!
I also went by our going-out-of-business Borders today. Got a couple of cool things...but no books. It's too early to buy books there.
Ugh, I has a tired...need sleep.