Tonight's crochet mojo was interrupted!!!

Oct 20, 2010 22:59

As you may have seen on FB or Twitter today, my house has an unexpected guest...


According to mom, the dog was barking and pacing this morning as though someone were outside.  Figuring it to be the neighbors pulling their garbage can back, she kinda ignored the dog as she got ready.  When she took the dog out for her second morning potty, the dog started walking down the street like she does every morning, only to suddenly turn and go for the bushes in front of our house.

Mom thought it was a bunny or squirrel tucked up under there until she heard a small cry.  She managed to get the ball of fluff to come to her and brought her in the house. While I cuddled her and checked her over, Mom ran to the store for kitten food (all of our cats are too old for kitten food and she's too young).  Definitely a female, and she's too tame to have been outside for too long on her own.

So now I'm mad that someone appears to have DUMPED a helpless kitten in my yard.

We can't keep her.  I'm already, technically, over the limit for where I live....and I would be an irresponsible pet parent if I did.  That said, however, if I can't find a place for her, I WILL keep her as I would rather deal with more animals than send her to a shelter.  I have a couple of leads for a home for her, so I'm not overly worried.

Since she IS a stray, I have her isolated in the bathroom with food, litter, and water.  I can't and WON'T risk my other pets so, no contact.

Also, the little monster BITE ME ON MY BOOB.  (TMI, perhaps, but there you have it.  The little shit bit me)
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