It's been a while since I've posted pics like these...

Jan 24, 2010 02:41

No, they aren't naughty pics....

I FINALLY got a few good pics of the cats the other day...and I thought I would post them...

  Maxxi Cat (my 9 1/2 year old girl).. I think she was pissed at me for waking her for a picture....

  Mr Min or Boyo....(my 8 year old boy)...he's a real sweetie who's taken the house additions well.  But he doesn't cuddle.

  Nuffy Cat (my 2 1/2 year old girl) has become a "basement" cat...because she still isn't adjusting to the boys...and runs for the basement when they get let out...the boys aren't allowed in the basement yet.  Nuff still hisses and whinges if she's upstairs when the boys are on the loose....

  And the boys George and Fredward....(Geo is my housemate's kitten, Fredward is mine)...They are about 7 months old...  Geo is really independent, but Fredward likes to cuddle a bit.  Fredward also is more curious about people food, but weighs in at more than a pound LESS than his brother.  They still spend time crated because they haven't learned about NOT chewing on cords....But the crate is big enough for them...and a litter box...

So that's my babies....

The dog doesn't like her pic no pics of her....


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