I am a hooker on a mission....

Feb 26, 2009 14:18

*giggles to self at bad joke she thought of after typing the subject line, but will keep to self as is only funny to self*

So, yesterday began Lent.  And *sigh* ...the beginning of Meatless Fridays for 6 weeks....

However, I did start my Lenten mission....

I made a hat yesterday, and already finished my one for today...and am halfway through tomorrow's hat.  I won't post pics until I am done with Lent, so probably after my birthday...*eep*

I think I had other stuff to post about, but can't remember.

It's raining outside...

I need to leave soon, as it's been requested I make a stop before I get to work and so, I must do...


I have tomorrow off.  This pleases me. :D

lent, work, progress report

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