whore...of the attention variety....

Nov 14, 2008 22:28

Yep...that's me.

I just posted my Jane fic to fanfiction.net (*mutters: "pathetic"*) because I tried to find a couple of interesting comms to post to here on LJ and the only one I found that sorta suited was twific , and I posted a question to them about posting there 6 weeks ago...and they never responded (Longass sentence, Amber).  Pinheads.  I mean, really?  What's the point of the "Page-a-Mod" if they don't answer.  Besides...I've not seen too many well-written fics go through there that I would be interested in reading...so fine.  I won't post there.

So, I sold my soul to fanfiction.net.  I may also upload to twilighted.net ...

I am pathetic...

I'm going to go back to crocheting, okay?

headdesk, fanfiction, needy, fic writing, sigh

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