did I spend my day?

Oct 27, 2008 01:03

As it would seem there are 3 ways I spend my Sundays:

Hanging out with friends (haven't done that in a while on a Sunday)
Go shopping (no moneys this week)
Stay home and lay about in my jammies and crochet.

Today was option 3.

Mostly because I heard there was a new Twilight spot on TV and NOBODY uploaded it to the like the lameass no-life I am, I sat in my crochet corner of the couch with hook in hand, watching bad edits of movies and bad made for TV movies...with mom's laptop next to me on the couch, refreshing every few minutes.

I told you it was LAME.  So, shut up, bladeshot2 ....I can hear you from here.

But in my quest to do SOMETHING productive, I finished one project...and started another....

First was a switch on my favorite gauntlet pattern.  I don't think I will be revisiting this least not this way because this way was a pain...but it's getting colder here....and while I hear that I will be getting an awesome set in the near future from one of my favorite crafty girls, I'm a firm believer in the fact that you can never have enough thumbholes...or finger holes...something I've never done before...but now I have.  Interesting, but time consuming...and painstakingly finicky...

The thing I started  today, well the jury's still out on it...I will likely continue with it...but opinions on it are VERY much welcome!! :D

Sorta done in the style of log cabin blankets...but not.  Started with scrap yarn...  May give to dad as Xmas gift...  Thoughts?

gif, blanket, gauntlets, crochet, wip, progress report

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