First, I promised y'all pics of the ATC bags for the swaps I'm doing for Terminus. If you don't want to be spoiled on these gifties, I understand, but they really aren't that much, k?
The theme is families. I chose the Peverell family. It also meant I got to try out a Deathly Hallows symbol. I've made 30 of them so that I have enough for the 2 swaps, and maybe a couple of extra...
So, without further ado...
No two are the exact same, although they may be similar....
Alright, heads up...this rant is a bit longer than I planned. It's meandering and probably more angsty than I need right now...but I'm going to get it off my chest. And since I'm not in the mood to defend my feelings on this point, comments that I'm overly emotional on this will be ignored. I KNOW I'm overly emotional on this. That's why it's a rant. But I've been pissed off tonight by some dealings in the Twilight fandom that really make me appreciate my maturity (such as it is) and the part of Harry Potter fandom that I belong to.
Okay, it's no secret that I'm a Twilight fan. And it's also no secret that the majority of the fanbase for Twilight is considerably younger and full of a bunch of fangirls that I for the most part want to chuck off a cliff. The incessant screaming, the dogging of the actors/actresses, fanfics written by inexperienced writers who make Sparkleypoo house look AWESOME by comparison. It's irritating, I don't deny that.
Wanna know what I like about Twilight? Simple. The ROMANCE. The relationship. I don't care about Bella's "whinging" or Edward's "creepiness". I like the ROMANCE.
I don't see Bella as selfish to the degree people make her out to be. I see her as pretty selfLESS for a teenage girl, but I will save that for another rant. I don't see Edward as creepy for his obsession with her. I see him as a man with a hundred years of "life" suddenly waking up to the emotion of LOVE. He's going to make mistakes. They all do. Wanna remember your first romance without cringing? (AND don't forget, he was raised nearly 100 years ago, when relationships between men and women were different than they are now.)
But see now, I've veered off course of my rant... The reason I am in a bit of a rant mode is this:
Breaking Dawn comes out Saturday. I'm going to a midnight party (and if any local friends want to go with me --and mom--Friday night to Borders, you are welcome to do so...just let me know.) . Naturally with any such anticipated release, there's all the hubbub about spoilers. Leaked "spoilers"...websites full of predictions, claiming to be true from "the author herself..." for realz....and the like. And tonight, it's just pissed me off.
Who the HELL do some people think they are? What sick, sadistic pleasure do people get for 5 seconds for ruining someone's anticipation. It's like popping the fuckin' water balloon before you get to throw it. Damn, people. Grow up.
You see, tonight, there have been some released spoilers. And no, I'm not reading them. Mostly because I don't trust the sources...and if the "spoilers" reveal something I don't like about the course of the story...I'm going to be grumpy for DAYS about it (until I get the book, read it for myself and come to terms with which ever truth there may be).
It's a two part reason that I'm so much more aggravated by this release than I remember being about HP. I think most of it was with HP, I trusted the comms I'm in to properly moderate, I blocked the ones I didn't, and I damn well trusted JKR to write me a story I could live with. She could have killed Harry off and as long as she did it in a way I could understand...I wouldn't have been happy...but I trusted her to do it well enough for me. And you know what? Stephenie Meyer hasn't earned that kind of trust from me...yet. I've only been in this fandom for 6 months...I was into Harry for well over 6 years... 6 months is a much shorter time...and it would seem there are things the author (SM) and I disagree with... (the whole J/B thing I've ranted on before).
But back to the spoilers. Apparently, from what I can read outside of the would seem a few people have been posting about a friend of a friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's best friend's aunt who works with someone who has a part time second job at some retail place that sells books put some copies out for sale accident. It happens. Breaking Dawn is not NEARLY as big as HP7 was release wise...but I'd bet there are release forms/confidentiality clauses for it too. And still some are going to get out. This I know is going to happen (says the girl who got both HP5 and HP6 early through a couple of well timed chances). However, on a recent post to one of the Twi comms, someone who claims to have had access to BD, is acting rather immaturely to the point I want to grab the kid by the ear, put her over my knee and give her a swat she won't soon forget.
There's another point here. You know...for the most part, I like spoilers. I like knowing what's going to happen. I read the end of all my romance novels before I read the book, because if the ending is shabby, I'm not going to spend my time reading the whole book. And honestly? I will probably get Breaking Dawn home and go to the Epilogue first....just so I know and can read it.
So it kinda begs the question: Are there spoiler comms out there? Actual communities set up to release what spoilers people can find out before various book/movie/etc releases? If there are, why am I not aware of them? And if they're aren't, why not? At least then, if people have spoilers to share, legit or not, they could discuss them freely, and only have themselves to blame for what they get.... and they could stay the hell away from the regular boards.
Okay, charging iPod, getting some water,and going to bed.